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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by MoshPit

  1. I removed the removing rights for admins, it served it's purpose mostly, but now it's probably time for the map managers to keep up

    I think the fewer people deleting maps the better, that way it's not done on a whim.

  2. "Race to Jabbas place" (good map)   "Vegas" Hard map but classic on the server.  My map "V-For-Vortex" had a favorable rating deleted why? some noob admin didn't like it i guess. Just to name a few.


    Don't worry though soon the server will be full of boring cp races through the city that only the hacks can top.

  3. I've noticed some good maps have recently been deleted then i saw Bob_Taylor delete a map that i like while we were playing yesterday. I don't think all admins should have the power to just delete any map they don't like. It's always the same, any map that is deemed hard or a challenge a pro map that you might have to learn, any map that isn't just a car diving though cp's in LS or one of the other city's is removed. IMO the only one who should be removing maps are the admins who add them.

  4. Can't we automatically detect if some player collides with a lot of players? Make some sort of scoring system. If implemented well, it should automatically put them in spectators team until they've written their reason for the bashing. After 2 times it bans that player for a couple hours. etc. etc.

    Not a good idea because when racing you come into contact with other drivers all the time, which isn't the same as blocking. So i could see a situation in which yr banned just for racing.


    Part of the problem is that only people from Europe seem to be the only admins ever added i usually play from 8pm(USA east coast time) on and off till around 4am and never once see a admin.

  5. There are more weird problems happening in the race server. Some maps will not let you re-spawn, one map today at a cp  spawn turned us into Flash(car) when it should have turned into a rc car which would not have mattered if it wasn't a small area to get through. Also one of the maps that you drive underwater just killed everyone for 20 minutes.

  6. Race server changes, 8 people or more to make a top Stupid, Only being able to replay map 3 times instead of 4 Stupid. A lot of changes recently do not make server any better, taking things away that we have and are used to is the wrong direction to take server. As for as i no nobody was asking for these changes. While things we do ask for are never given. I do appreciate the hard work that SDK does i just think that it should be adding stuff not taking it away.

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