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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by tyfusjap

  1. It doesn't matter if Zullolo insulted him  first or not. Dron is clearly insulting him.

    So i'll mute him for a couple of hours.

    And cause Discord was down at that time there's no way to proof Zullo insulted him first.


  2. 21 minutes ago, Gonzalezo said:
      And if you muted me so why you banned me after that? You dont remember what did u say at forum site?



    I decided to ban you because i realised what an immense ban/mute/blocker record you got

    I take back what i said about you never being banned, so far i've counted 4 Times you've been banned.

  3. Apparently you've never been banned before, which i think is a disgrace btw

    Lionheart actually took some time and created an entire forum post just dedicated to you. And it got good  support aswell.. Are you saying all of these people are over reacting crybabies? i don't think so..

    I've seen you with my own eyes being a dickhole to e v e r y b o d y

    Yet another mute wont do you any good whatsoever, you'll just keep on being a lunatic again.. and.. again and... once more.

    I'll leave this post unlocked if some other admins/players have something to imply.

  4. Does this really need an explanation...

    But anyway,

    You know very well that you're always out on the server being an ass, racist and a overall retard, a quick look in the discord log speaks for itself.

    Your ban history is atrocious, and your mutes probably worse not to mention the dozens of blocker reports against you.

    The reputation of you from other players speaks for itself.

    In conclusion, see ya in October!




  5. 2 hours ago, Danny_DeVito said:

    Hello guys, I just wanted to let you know there are new map settings options and they are:

    Shooter: jump height

    this option changes the normal jump height so you don't need to add your custom jumps anymore (and hopefully we can get rid of mega jump bug)

    the values are the same as you would normally use just x10 for sake of simplicity, so for example if you want your jump to be 0.4 use 4 instead.

    accepted values: 2-11 for reference the default jump is 2.5

    to use it add this line to your map meta:

    <setting name="#shooter_jumpheight" value="5"></setting>


    Shooter: auto-repair

    this auto-repair is a bit different, it works by canceling the damage event so it doesn't need to repair. but it still works and doesn't need a timer either.

    accepted values: true, false. default is false

    to use it add this line to your map meta:

    <setting name="#shooter_autorepair" value="true"></setting>


    Deadline: minimum speed

    this changes the minimum speed vehicles will go, it can be used if you want to be able to make a small map with tighter turns.

    accepted values are 40-120 and for reference the default is 70

    to use it add this line to your map meta:

    <setting name="#deadline_minimumspeed" value="70" />

    huge thanks to Citizen and @KaliBwoy for helping me with the scripts.

    Nice job i'll be working on a DL map with tight ass corners now :P

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