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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Laca

  1. 19 minutes ago, tyfusjap said:

    I think that's not really fair. IMO you should measure by amount of wins

    For example: Laca has more wins than me, so he should get placed above me.

    Nothing important to solve.. just leave it like this.. its by alphabet

  2. 19 hours ago, Cena said:

    Hello guys, so this is how it will work. Each week will be 3 days of clanwar. Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Each day will be 3 clanwars, some days 2 only. Each day we will play at the same time. First clanwar of the day will start at 6:00 PM (Click on the time to convert to your local time). Second clanwar of the day will start 8:00 PM (Click on the time to convert to your local time) and third clanwar of the day will start 10:00PM (Click on the time to convert to your local time). Some days only 2 clanwars, so only 6:00 and 8:00. 

    After the bracket is done. 5 clans will get eliminated and 4 will remain. Then it will be 1 vs 1 and 1 vs 1. The winners goes to the finals and losers goes for 3rd rank. 

    If you have any questions, go ahead and ask! 


    Week 1:                                                    Week 4:

    Friday                                                                          Friday

    - CNT vs FAP                                                              - CNT vs Genesis

    - AOS vs RV                                                                - AOS vs HOF

    - KOM vs Genesis                                                   - Yoshi vs FAP


    Saturday:                                                                    Saturday:

    - FAP vs RP                                                                  - FAP vs Genesis

    - Yoshi vs KOM                                                          - RP vs KOM

    - RV vs Genesis


    Sunday:                                                                 Sunday:

    - CNT vs RP                                                                  - CNT vs HOF

    - AOS vs  Yoshi                                                           - RP vs Yoshi




    Week 2:                                                Week 5:


    Friday:                                                                       Friday:

    - CNT vs Yoshi                                                         - KOM vs HOF

    - RP vs Genesis                                                       - RV vs RP

    - RV vs HOF                                                             


    Saturday:                                                                  Saturday:

    - FAP vs AOS                                                            - RV vs KOM

    - CNT vs RV                                                               - AOS vs RP

                                                                                         - FAP vs HOF



    - AOS vs KOM

    - RP vs HOF

    - Yoshi vs Genesis



    Week 3:



    - FAP vs RV

    - Genesis vs HOF

    - CNT vs AOS



    - CNT vs KOM

    - Yoshi vs HOF

    - AOS vs Genesis



    - FAP vs KOM

    - Yoshi vs RV


    If Cw starts this week, dont count me in at saturday @Goldberg

    Busy at work, sry

  3. 2 hours ago, Goldberg said:

    Allright i'll post even if im not really sure that everyone can participate.


    Clan: Kings of Mix









    If it will be in friday im fine, or sunday but not saturday im sorry 🙂

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