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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Weo

  1. i dedicated this map for 1 server hoster... he currently uses flatgrass but i builded WinterGrass for him... it has 3 difrent parts... Flat snow are which is like flatgrass... thought its only o 1/4 of the normal flatgrass area it should be enought.

    then there is water part which should be handy for testing subs and boats.

    then there is bumby area that has little bumbs in it for testing hydraulics in cars or something else.

    few pics here.

    heres the full map


    bumby sector


    water sector


    To download follow this link:


  2. Well... for now the map is finished. house is builded lake has been softed little bit. light,spawns,opening doors and props are added.

    the dining room of the house... served well as hall.


    house from back


    house from front


    when you look inside you can see stuff like office


    and the garage is done well


    i look forward to see replies about this.

  3. Zs maps gotta have as less open space as possible, its to easy for humans to kill zombies otherwise. Make the house ( or garden house, whatever it is :s ) larger and add tires outside. Dont make it darker, because zombies cant see shit otherwise. Give the house a few breakable planks that block zombies. Add a underground spot or some kind of hole where humans can hide. ( i cant map at all, but have played a lot of zs maps in the 3 years i played it)

    i know... i have been playing mr green like 5 years? xD or 3 years? well i'm propaply not going to make anyunderground because it doesn't fit to forest map... maybe treehouse? xD

  4. Second picture there is an alignment issue with the shack/shed thing.

    as i said in end that i will fix them but good you noticed...

    after i build the house i look for areas to build...

    thanks griffon i will attempt to make edges more smooth.

    also i will add more trees... its not called tainted forest for no reason :D

  5. yeah... 26 day and time for more pics. and also we have name that propaply will be used zs_tainted_forest (thanks to Pufulet)

    and the pics are here!

    i made the roof better, added some props and made the Handrails better.


    The houses porch.


    The pond that haves boat middle of it but its dark there so it can't be seen :D.


    houses porch has some minor fixes like lamps are little bit away from roof and you can see that lighter line before the wall... those will be fixed.

    and for positive and negative feedback i would like to hear more about these 3 pics.

  6. Thanks for positive or negative comments. i work more to this map and i welcome both negative and positive comments that comes to this topic.


    Well anyways from what I have learned you should never put down a new mapper. Its bad enough that all the zs mappers I can think of is me AlexG i think and Stelk.. and Darkness and Clavus but I believe its mainly me and stelk..

    Heres my advice:

    Continue working on the houses,base,fort whatever.

    A zombie map needs good atmoshpere so i suggest you use the ravenholm skybox. Message me on steam and I can teach you a few things about zombie mapping


    Stelk is mah friend. Also I know alot more entities than you do :protest:

    I wanna add stelk..

    yeah you do know more entities and triggers but I know lots more things too.. and I have a huge imagination.


    You care about imagination only, not how to make the gameplay fun with entities.

    I know that you can just place alot of prop statics all over the place with different angel than 0 0 0, do displacements and pickup textures. Yes I know that, but I was actually who helped you with hazard, which got out after. I optimesed it in good way. I made your file be smaller with all that shit. You dont like meh :<

    Gtfo. :ilovePufulet: :(

    Mmkay. Anyway.

    Lets be ontopic...

    nono D: what i meant was I make loads of zs maps thats all.

    Forgive meh

    NO. :eatpaper:

    Ufag. :(

    Ok. Enough. Going ontopic.

    How commong my posts turns out to be like warzones xD

  7. I started making maps thanks to Pufulet.

    map reguires more work ofc. but now there is somestuff that might be worth of checkin out.

    basicly its going to be forest map with small pond in it. 3-5 building 1 big 2 medium 2 small might be the end result.

    heres few pics!




    i didn't yet put any lake pictures because it need little bit of working.

    ill post some pics after i make more of the map.

  8. hello... recently i have played game called outpost 2. its pretty old strategy game but oldness doesn't make it bad.

    if you are intrested about it you should check this video.

    http://www.outpostuniverse.net/gamedownload.php game download.

    if there is some intrested players they should try it out. if you like it perhaps we could make hamachi network and play it together.

    oh right. these should be downloaded. Outpost 2 - 1.3.4 R2 and Outpost 2 - 1.3.5 Beta 2

    install and then insert winrar or zip inside the outpost folder and play.

  9. I have thought of making house based maps many times but I never actually made a proper house before except zs_crackhouse but thats just messed up.. They would also take alot of time to add all the little detail because zs maps require maximum amount of detail.

    I have had alot of experience with Starcraft 1 but not with starcraft 2.. seems like they made it much more harder.

    well... tell me if this changes...

    actually i could try out the hammer tool about those houses :D but until my computer gets new working parts i can't do much.

  10. have you thought of making those village maps? many houses and streets... i like those maps but there doesn't seem to be many of them.

    oh right... do you also make maps for sc2? because i got AWESOME idea for one the proplem is that i suck at galaxy editor...

  11. At the moment, zombies classes need more attention than the human classes. Further more, as I'm finished with the Ethereal/Wraith update, I'll start editing the human classes. You guys always complain about how OP that class is or how weak the other one is, but I can't release all the update at once. You sure were right about the classes being broken and all that shit, it's true, I didn't have time to satisfy everybody. More over, I only consider your ideas only if they are brilliant and good. All-in-all, I'm almost finished with doing zombies (except Normal Zombie and Fast Zombie) and I'll start with Human Classes.

    oh... why didn't you say earlier :D.

    btw what do you consider as good idea?

    Weo basically everything you are complaining/making suggestions about,

    has already been done.

    People here are tired of it.

    And what does it matter that you've been longer on ZS?

    If you really have been playing for that long I would expect that you have the skill by now to bypass these zombines.

    the longer i have been playing ZS the longer i know about its past.

    like it used to be full, but now half of the players have raged to other servers... thats why i want to help. and also i know how to run... but if you just wish to go to some house and defend it and get raped by zombines... it sucks there is no room to bypass zombine grenades.

    i'm now trusting that deluvas does his best

  12. and these users like lazy peon

    My solution to zs!

    Shut up about it.

    whats wrong? can't people OFFER THEIR HELP to improve ZS.

    i used to know you too, here alot of old fellows that i have known during the updates of ZS. bloodknife,peon,deluvas, umm not really darkness but i did say hello and that little stuff to him. and here we are. after these years i see you wanting me to shut up and don't propaply even remember me. how nice. btw for me i liked the time when you needed to search weapons and get better weapons trought killing. there was ammo rege if i remember right.

  13. I am not complaining, I am making Weo aware of the situation. The pattern of updating makes no sense either, Deluvas adds new things which were not even suggested by the majority. He gives 0% feedback on suggestions either. Looking at these shitposts from ignorant players I can only conclude theres honey on Deluvas his ass and you're the bees. Only the players that have been playing long agree on the same fixes there should be and all of them have been suggested in the suggestion/ideas topic. You see Damien agrees that this game is unbalanced, only the best see that theres a problems and all Deluvas does is add new things instead of fixing first. If you agree on me with this do reply and make Deluvas aware.

    dude... you are on the point! i have been playing mr green long time thought i had these breaks awhile but i knew mrgreen since it was old fashion. then i used to play killas but then mr green popped to servers. it was propaply about the time that mrgreen created zombie survival.

    (so people who call me noob --> can go to hell because i might played longer than they have.)

    idk what deluvas thinks but wheres mrgreen? mr green should check posts for like 10 seconds and perhaps he could come up with solution, afterall hes MR Green. btw i used to know deluvas other way than his editor way. how long have you played delu and have you always been ZS editor. (my old names Weoweno and racki. (perhaps even Mato-Meto if it was that early)

    BRING IT ON i'm ready to post

  14. oh dear god... what thread/topic i have created.

    i just wish that deluvas would listen HUMANS that complain. i have heard ALOT from them that they hate zombine. 1 way to know how much there is those who hate zombines just say smthing bad or good about them... they usually show them selfs.

    few times when i say zombine sucks there comes atleast 1 or 2 persons who agreed and then there comes more and more when people notice what we talk. now i just leave this topic here and it becomes warzone where users insult other users for no reason...

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