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Mr. Green Gaming

Luke Nukem

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Posts posted by Luke Nukem

  1. Good luck :3

    2 years down the line with constant forum on goings and IRC contribution you will have a high chance of being accepted :D

    Also get a STEAM account it comes in handy :)

  2. We have to renew everything from time to time. Give players a clean slate, and new opportunities. We always upload the old map backup on this forum (see pinned topic) in case you want to save your building achievements.

    Then do it now so we can start on a new base

    One person asking for something that might affect more than himself is being quite selfish. First it will take till the 21st to get around everyone to agree, so just spend the last days in Minecraftia chilling out, maxing. relaxing all cool and all shooting some b ball outside of your dirt mansion, but when a couple of guys from Rangers that are up to no good start TnT'ing in your neighbourhood. Don't get in the fight just run. :3

  3. This will not happen. Lets keep playing on a world which will no longer have any materials because people do not understand the server rules. " Please re plant trees after cutting them down and also remove all blocks" Also the x-rayers wiped out most of the Diamonds from this map and no one can find anything thus making the playing field unfair to those that are new to the server. So it would be best to just accept that Calvus pays for the server and what he says goes on here. ( Plus he's an admin and a new map = BIGGER AND BETTER IDEAS <3 )

    Thanks :)

    P.s Also making a new base gives you something to do for a while till it gets destroyed by the Rangers.

  4. This will not happen. Lets keep playing on a world which will no longer have any materials because people do not understand the server rules. " Please re plant trees after cutting them down and also remove all blocks" Also the x-rayers wiped out most of the Diamonds from this map and no one can find anything thus making the playing field unfair to those that are new to the server. So it would be best to just accept that Calvus pays for the server and what he says goes on here.

    Thanks :)

  5. Where is freeman crowbar pose :P????

    Undecided...for now. xD

    aww man, im really looking forward to this. need some laughs while im at work lol

    Working on it... already stole a crowbar that I've find on the floor of an abandoned factory xd, check it outta

    Welcome to Black Mesa


  6. Hey guys Monkeybalzac and I (Bob5bob) wish to trade items in return for green coins, here are the prices:

    Here are the conditions of trading:

    All trades will take place at our base (LRG), either Monkeybalzac or Bob5bob will handle the transaction and green coins must be transferred to us before items are given. We will not rip you off, we both want to continue to do this :). If you have any questions please reply to this post.

    Obsidian: 200 per stack

    Diamonds: 1500 per stack (single not blocks)

    25 per single diamond

    Lapis: 1000 per stack of blocks

    15 per block

    Gold: 2000 per stack of blocks

    30 per block

    Arrows: 25 per stack of arrows. Discount price: 200 for 10 stacks

    Nether wart: 1000 per stack


  7. I lol'd out loud, you guys remember the 3 v me last time I visited your base about a week ago right?

    Yes but we are better and stronger now

    Corby I think they're trolling again... 1 diamond sword doesn't make you more powerful than the most feared clan on the server... *sigh*

  8. 1. Real name and age?

    Tom Bray, 19

    2. Where do you live?

    York & Lancaster

    3. Previous experince with communities and boards?

    None before here really, been on a few since, like a TDU2 clan & OGame clan, which both fell apart.

    4. What do you do for a living? (eg. what's your job)

    Dont have one, probably should look for one. Although, does being a student count as a job?

    5. Go to school University? If yes, studying what?

    Bsc Computer Science

    6. Describe yourself with 3 words? (looking forward to that one, lol ;))

    Rational, Awesome & A Spy

    7. Anything else you wanna tell us?

    Corby's gay.

    And have a picture (Which I know will make Peon jelly):


    DAT BEARD!!!

  9. I personally can't say if you will or not seeing as I don't understand your favourite game genre, but if you enjoy spending continuous amounts of hours ignoring your family and not feeding pets whilst fighting in the mystic lands of Tyria, well go ahead and BUY IT NOW!! :D

  10. Something that isn't console format. Related examples of console names: XxXoxoxBrantquikcszopzzproxxsnipzoneshotkillxoxoXxX, BR4N3BP etc..... More like Guildwars1 names, I had Odin the Death bringer etc... Something that relates to Brant so we can easily understand who it is for Team talk etc... So Brant the Vagabond or something?

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