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Mr. Green Gaming


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  1. Ok I'll do that.
  2. Player: AverageWhale Server: minecraft.nl Reason: advertising
  3. Name: MrBeer99 Server: minecraft.nl Reason: hacking This may not be completely conclusive but this guy kept typing -irc toggle which uses the dash which used to be part of the Nodus hack client.
  4. Player: forydj and cooletraine01 Server: minecraft.nl Reason: Spam Sorry I couldn't figure out how to embed a video here. Here is a link to my video of it. Dingos Spam
  5. Name: Marotta server: minecraft.nl Reason; Spam
  6. Name: Cupcake12354 Server: minecraft.nl Reason: spamming (Not to mention the hacking advertising....)
  7. Name: uCreeping Server: Minecraft.nl Reason: Spamming
  8. I was looking around the forums trying to find the right place to post this. I hope I got it right. Samual_Brown kept advertising a server. Unfortunately, I was only able to capture the end of it. Name: Samual_Brown Server: minecraft.nl Reason: Advertising
  9. LOL. Sorry I didn't realize. I know it's probably tough being an admin.
  10. Good to hear I'm in the clear (Hey that rhymes!) On-topic: Uh my base is that "giant oreo" with the Mario picture on top you replaced the other day it's at -2132, 508 (x, z). As for the explosion: IDK all I know is that there is an upside down crater and the bottom stairs are missing. No worries it's easily repaired. Thanks.
  11. Look at : <awesomeo_5000> oops This indicates he wasn't in his faction at that moment. But still as I said above. It's not cause you're an admin you can't play the game anymore. OMFG Dude. He TELEPORTED to me with his admin powers. I was deep down under a lava lake in the nether and I was cloaked. You would need either xray or a one in a billion chance to find me. I don't call that legit playing. What I think is what happened is he killed he for doing something wrong or he did it by accident. I'm not saying that Awesomeo shouldn't play. By all means he should be able to, he's worked hard making it better. But I don't think your scenario is what's happened. Look at the four admins: Clavus, Darkstar, Corby, and Awesomeo. None of those people play actually PvP much if any or are on a lot. I'm not saying they can't. I'm saying this is unusual. I know he wrote oops but one thing makes me wonder: Right after that my friend KellyAnthony asked Awesomeo why that happened. According to him, Awesomeo didn't really explain it and just did "/me killed KellyAnthony" or something similar which would broadcast "* Awesomeo_5000 killed KellyAnthony" in the public chat. I just want to know what's happening. I'm not complaining. I didn't lose much. I merely don't want to keep doing something if there's something that I'm not doing right.
  12. deleted
  13. Ok I made this a longer post but then I messed up the attachment thing and had to rewrite the whole thing. So here goes: I was AFK at a nether wart farm and then I come back to my computer to find I died. I go back to the farm and find some kind of explosion on my underground staircase, and my items are gone. Then a fellow player sends me this screen shot. So...... Did I do something wrong? Is it against some rule to be AFK? The items I lost weren't too much of a loss and the farm is still there, and I'm not banned or anything, but I kinda want to know.
  14. 1111hidef1

    LRG Base

    The LRG base was declared by Awesomeo_5000 to be duped and he said it contained enough obsidian to be equivalent to 100 hours of mining with a diamond pick axe. Therefore the obsidian was changed to smooth stone. THIS IS UTTERLY RIDICULOUS. Here's why: 1) LRG has 21 people. That's less than 5 hours of work per person. I know that's still a long time, but we play a Minecraft a lot! 2) Enchanted diamond picks mine really fast. Efficiency V picks mine at incredible speeds. According to the Minecraft Wiki, Efficiency V diamond picks have a 250% speed boost (Reference here: http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Enchantment#Tool_Enchantments). That's 350%, meaning 3 and a half times faster. This means it's not actually 100 hours, it would be approximately 29 hours if mined with efficiency V. That's a little over an hour of work per person. I'm not saying we all use that, we have used those and other efficiency picks. 3) You know about obsidian farms/generators right.......It's not like we go in caves looking for lava to dump water on. 4)You can buy obsidian in the Greencoins shop. You can buy as much as you want, a stack for 800 GC. 5) We didn't mine it all. There are raids and such. I have raided 2 stacks of obsidian myself in the last couple days. 6) I'm pretty sure this base was made before the duping sprees started. With all these factors in mind, our obsidian base is completely feasible for a determined and hardworking faction.
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