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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by rrose5

  1. rrose5

    pls delete

    i found out he pillared out
  2. thnx ill need it since reap3r said id get unwanted pedo rape
  3. thnx guys for the feedback and i don't get lag on a reguler basis but i do occasionally if someones spamming xp or something. me haveing the fastest us internet probably helps Reap3r Zombie Meat 21 Posted Today, 11:15 Hmm well good luck, you will definitely need it, your using the I's in the beginning of your sentences an awful lot which makes it boring to read, luckily it's short so people can't say: TL;DR too long, didn't read If you manage to get in, you will be the youngest admin, which will result in some unwanted pedo rape, from all the admin's You have a dark cloudy future up ahead. I dont want pedo rape WITHDRAW MY APP JK TechnoNegro Zombie Meat 31 Posted Today, 10:52 Where is that picture Clavus posted on his status update few months ago... Well anyways, good luck with your admin app... i hope your wrist gets well soon! rrose5 yeah i dont think jumping downhill with no water on a ropeswing was my best idea XD
  4. Gameserver: Play.minecraft.nl, the MrGreen Community Minecraft server Age:14 Country of origin:USA Link to Steam Community profile *:I do not have a steam account Minecraft name **:rrose5 Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin:I like hunting fishing and minecraft. I also Like to play on this server as much as I can because with a broken wrist I have hardly anything else I can do. I think I would be a good admin on this server because I have been an admin on several classic servers because I haven't had full minecraft for all that long. (yeah I know I missed out a lot )
  5. back to bitching again i see cat. . .
  6. martin great point
  7. so. . . how long am i banned and cat u lied u did admit that ur comp was crap
  8. how else r we supposed to raid in creative and IM A GUY. also u even admitted u have a crappy comp and thats y she lagged so y should i be banned for her crappy comp
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