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Mr. Green Gaming


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About DeathBar

  • Birthday January 29

Contact Methods

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    Pvmis.1337 (Mishel Poliakov)
  • Steam
    PvZloy , E◼✘1@1

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  • Interests
    Women. Video Games , Beer. what man needs more?

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. About that Forum (i dont even know the name of it yet) , did some one host it yet??

    1. Baron Baconeer

      Baron Baconeer

      Well, you appear to be in the forums now.

    2. DeathBar


      i apear to be xD? link plox

  2. well forget about that , i prefer the gf i have now :D shes sexyer , but still not first love :> but CLOSE ANOUGHT FOR ME

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MiF


      Agreed @Kefeus.

    3. Hundred2



    4. DeathBar


      Hundred? why are you even posting on my status , didnt you block me on steam? (Sniper-Crowbar)

      @Kefeus , dont worry , i dony play around with feelings , and when i do , i do it right <3 if you know what i mean . i get what i want , when i want .

  3. well its fun , thats the important thing about it , me and like 10 people are playing on a server that box hosting for us , its quite good , just cause a couple of us been screwing around we reseted the map a couple of times , but now we fixed everything up , and we have a good map generated , its an huge ocean , with a little number of islands , we just made a dock with boats , at the spawn , and placed protection on it , and they do everything else anyone knows whats the problem with steam? T.T it just went offline for like 5 mins allready for no reason T.T And do you want proof Tekkit PvP is bad? Yesterday Mathijs and I got in a big end game fight. Me (Equivelant Exchange) vs Mathijs (Industiral/Build craft). The fight itself was legendary. Everything around us became craters and rubble. Fire tore forests asunder and entire deserts where (literally) glassed! Lighting fell from the sky as I flew high over Mathij's head, desperately dodging lasers. But in the end neither of us took any damage. And because dark/red matter armor never break and nanosuit makes you invicincible... And sorry about the Discord base, box :< Actually, very little was done by me. I was exaggerating for dramatic effect. Nothing in the E mod that does damage does any block damage, and I only used lightning. So the worst that happened was a tiny isolated forest fire. Mathijs did almost all the damage using the mining laser. Please don't jump to conclusions, it makes you look dumb. well those items will be banned , and i bet 90% of the damage was done by you. EE2. ahaha then he dosent know how to use ee2 xP , just upgrade the redmatter armor , and spam C , and here you go , a free nuke to use Actually, what happened there was a weird post mash-up. I have no idea how it happened, but parts of your text are in there. And you clearly no nothing of the EE mod. Redmatter armor doesn't give you anything but a high armor rating. You're thinking of gem and armor and, more specifically, the infernal chestplate. And no, the explosion isn't that big. And I didn't even have that. well i dont know the name , but its made Out of redmatter ,armor , and i know how to use it , if your really trying to do a war , you would make really huge holes , with the catalyst lens , and the special leggines , with those you can do quite a big mess.
  4. pufu your bike! http://d24w6bsrhbeh9d.cloudfront.net/photo/4569729_700b_v2.jpg
  5. well its fun , thats the important thing about it , me and like 10 people are playing on a server that box hosting for us , its quite good , just cause a couple of us been screwing around we reseted the map a couple of times , but now we fixed everything up , and we have a good map generated , its an huge ocean , with a little number of islands , we just made a dock with boats , at the spawn , and placed protection on it , and they do everything else anyone knows whats the problem with steam? T.T it just went offline for like 5 mins allready for no reason T.T And do you want proof Tekkit PvP is bad? Yesterday Mathijs and I got in a big end game fight. Me (Equivelant Exchange) vs Mathijs (Industiral/Build craft). The fight itself was legendary. Everything around us became craters and rubble. Fire tore forests asunder and entire deserts where (literally) glassed! Lighting fell from the sky as I flew high over Mathij's head, desperately dodging lasers. But in the end neither of us took any damage. And because dark/red matter armor never break and nanosuit makes you invicincible... And sorry about the Discord base, box :< Actually, very little was done by me. I was exaggerating for dramatic effect. Nothing in the E mod that does damage does any block damage, and I only used lightning. So the worst that happened was a tiny isolated forest fire. Mathijs did almost all the damage using the mining laser. Please don't jump to conclusions, it makes you look dumb. well those items will be banned , and i bet 90% of the damage was done by you. EE2. ahaha then he dosent know how to use ee2 xP , just upgrade the redmatter armor , and spam C , and here you go , a free nuke to use
  6. well its fun , thats the important thing about it , me and like 10 people are playing on a server that box hosting for us , its quite good , just cause a couple of us been screwing around we reseted the map a couple of times , but now we fixed everything up , and we have a good map generated , its an huge ocean , with a little number of islands , we just made a dock with boats , at the spawn , and placed protection on it , and they do everything else anyone knows whats the problem with steam? T.T it just went offline for like 5 mins allready for no reason T.T And do you want proof Tekkit PvP is bad? Yesterday Mathijs and I got in a big end game fight. Me (Equivelant Exchange) vs Mathijs (Industiral/Build craft). The fight itself was legendary. Everything around us became craters and rubble. Fire tore forests asunder and entire deserts where (literally) glassed! Lighting fell from the sky as I flew high over Mathij's head, desperately dodging lasers. But in the end neither of us took any damage. And because dark/red matter armor never break and nanosuit makes you invicincible... And sorry about the Discord base, box :< well those items will be banned , and i bet 90% of the damage was done by you. EE2.
  7. ahaha , make the trailer any link me , and i dont think its gona be that " Bad " it will be fine , if the people dont fuck with the world to much oh yeah and the map that we have right now Removed.
  8. well its fun , thats the important thing about it , me and like 10 people are playing on a server that box hosting for us , its quite good , just cause a couple of us been screwing around we reseted the map a couple of times , but now we fixed everything up , and we have a good map generated , its an huge ocean , with a little number of islands , we just made a dock with boats , at the spawn , and placed protection on it , and they do everything else anyone knows whats the problem with steam? T.T it just went offline for like 5 mins allready for no reason T.T
  9. well didnt you think about " BAN ITEM " , you can ban serval items from crafting , by your own choice , so we can keep some stuff , like the phelo stone , and ban an abilty from it , and use like all the dark matter items , acsept the sword and the armor , everything after it should be banned , and alloy useing all rings , acsept the fire ring (+ aracana) , so there wont be any major griefs . ban the catalyst lens and the second item . and it should be mostly good. So pretty much ban everything that makes the mod what it is and enjoyable? So why have the mods in the first place then? its only banning Half of the EE2 stuff , noting else desirves a ban , everything else isent making anything overpowered You would need to ban pretty much all the rings, the lava amulet, the destruction catalyst, the kinetic lense, the hyper kinetic lense, dark matter armor, red matter armor, gem armor, the destruction catalyst, pedestals, the watch of flowing time. And that's just what I can remember off the top of my head! That's around 75% of the mod! If not then more! yeah but thats only 1 mod , the other mods give more fun , like Industrial craft? did you think about that? Yeah theres a addon againts it . trust me i know box , im the one that told you about it xP
  10. one more thing , its not supose to be in this forum , its a suggestion , about the faction wars server , i suggest to add a mod called "MystCraft" its a mod that you can add seprate worlds to the server, so it will make the map change less often if you guys want , and some people that dont want "pvp" can escape from it , but not 100% if the other people find there "Books" , one more thing , this is sort of a warning , this mod might go hard on the cpu usage , becouse it makes more then 1 world be generated , so the hoster might yell at you guys quite abit . link to the mod - http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/918541-125-mystcraft-086/
  11. well didnt you think about " BAN ITEM " , you can ban serval items from crafting , by your own choice , so we can keep some stuff , like the phelo stone , and ban an abilty from it , and use like all the dark matter items , acsept the sword and the armor , everything after it should be banned , and alloy useing all rings , acsept the fire ring (+ aracana) , so there wont be any major griefs . ban the catalyst lens and the second item . and it should be mostly good. So pretty much ban everything that makes the mod what it is and enjoyable? So why have the mods in the first place then? its only banning Half of the EE2 stuff , noting else desirves a ban , everything else isent making anything overpowered
  12. well didnt you think about " BAN ITEM " , you can ban serval items from crafting , by your own choice , so we can keep some stuff , like the phelo stone , and ban an abilty from it , and use like all the dark matter items , acsept the sword and the armor , everything after it should be banned , and alloy useing all rings , acsept the fire ring (+ aracana) , so there wont be any major griefs . ban the catalyst lens and the second item . and it should be mostly good.
  13. Bored... T.T

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Reiska


      i will gladly share my experience

    3. DeathBar


      okay ill ask necro or deluvas to open a subforum :>

  14. ehh hello , my ingame name pvniki , some people might know me from playing mr.green zs server, i just desided to make an acc for the forums , and ive been playing the servers more then 2 years ago xD , i joined in around when pufulet did that little **** , well im suggesting that mr.green should make a tekkit server , ill be mostly on , so if it will be on ill suggest my self to be a moderator or higher . i bet alot of people would want to play tekkit + faction wars combined . just reply who ever thinks what
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