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Mr. Green Gaming


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  1. Title says it all...
  2. I do have other servers,It's just that its good to have a back-up server. My ban will never change and I know that 3 admins came by, There should be just 1 to talk to not 3 when the 1 needs backup because he dosnt know how to explain it. Just like the admin who installed the plugin for xray bans. I bet you 1/4ths of those 600 xray bans we're false. You know im correct, theres really no point of replying back. Oh well had a fun time on the server but you should just fix your server or get a better plug-in thats all im saying...Goodbye? Unless you reply I'll just keep replying back. If you don't reply I'll just stop.
  3. System said I was banned for xray* Reread? >.> Silly boring reply. Kk bye.
  4. I don't want to waste $26 just to play the server agian... I should've never played it full with a bunch of admins who cant read and negotiate unbans. Theres no proof... Fix your system before you have more complaints. You guys have poor quality maintaing and managing the server. Theres no point of going on Mr.Green servers Like TF2 and stuff. Just ban me from those So I don't haft to put up with your system you don't even bother to put work into it for minor issues. If there isn't proof then Mr.Green Gaming has a bad system or a incorrect plugin for useage of the server. The system was clearly slacking or It could've bugged out it could've been meant for another player to be banned. My friend told me its from the MB useage you have by holding Shift+F3 that dosn't make sense. If you have a really laggy computer that uses alot MB then you get banned for no reason. If thats not how your system works forgive me for my theory that My friend and I thought of. I'm not going to buy another copy of the game, just fix your system. Thats all I ask for before it has another incorrect ban I don't want to do anything with Mr.Green Gaming servers anymore thanks for the fun times but just fix the server. There is no point of doubting me, I am correct and really... I know I am repeating myself just so you guys can KNOW what im talking about and get some sense of what im trying to say here. Anyway you can delete this thread or delete my account? Theres no point im not going to come back here forever. Unless Mr.Green Gaming did what another famous youtuber did, Made a new map and he took the current map unlocked all the permission locked areas, unbanned all players from the "Banned players" Notepad list since he was the server owner and it was a full on free-for-all. It was kind of fun as I do say so myself. Mr.Green wont do that for sure all you guys do is Map Resets Every Half a year - A year and I respect that couse thats what I do since I am a Lead-OP on another server and I own my own server with only 5 players playing daily. I mostly get diffrent players but its fun. Just delete the thread and the account if you can't do that, Its alright. Improve your system & staff and thats really all there is to say. Im going into a friendly way so there is no reason to curse. I'll check back to see if its deleted probably tomorrow or Saturday if not I could just do 1 last reply to that and thats all. -NV- FAST REPLY TO MY OTHER: Read the whole thing to understand what im saying...
  5. Do you have proof that I xrayed? Couse I certinaly did not. Your system had a minor issue it must've been another player that xrayed. That dosnt make sense you should clearly check and see if it was a server issue. I don't xray Im not an idiot all I do is go on the bedrock floor and mine constantly for 1 - 2 hour(s) check the system and see what happened since your a Head-Admin. If you don't have proof then I should be well right to be unbanned from the server. -NV-
  6. I did not x-ray though, what is the problem? I don't hack and I didn't do anything. All I did was lag out and got banned for nothing.
  7. Hey, I just joined regarding minecraft.nl Unban appeal. I will make this short for you busy admins so... I was walking and the game froze (Since my computer has lag when playing minecraft often at times) so I waited and I was kicked for speedhacking apperantly. I was like "Huh? Strange..." so I tried to log back on and it said I was banned for xray. I don't have xray and I dont use it, can you admins tell me what is going on? I do not have pictures unless you want me to show what the text says when I try to log in. Therefore thats all I can show you. Can anyone of you get back to me? Thanks! -Nv- Postscript: I wanted to appeal for an unban since you guys are having a map reset when 1.3 Comes out (August 1st) so Thats why I wanted to appeal, get back to me as soon as you can I know alot of you are busy but I will be checking daily for responses. Feel free for those who are not admins to comment and make a theory of what could have happend, thus you can comment too, thanks
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