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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Personalizado

  1. A new race as mod started, i'll do the best of me

  2. i dont know what to post

  3. thanks, friends dub, boyka & borz i hope it to beat si, hormiga esperemos que se de xD
  4. NTS: NTS- Mount Chilliad (invisible wall at cp #4) video:
  5. OMG! dat resolution
  6. R.I.P one top in nts

  7. We'll work on it to improve and add these things, don't worry. sergio i was spoke whit sdk about the use of the scrip "omg" in dd maps , this screp make some objects move in specific places (in this time over the road) al most i think this can evite campers
  8. new maps dd by perso coming soon, but only i think we need anti-camping system hurry up
  9. good luck turbo
  10. yo igual , gracias
  11. Hi all,Im Personalizado,Im a player of Mr.Green Mix Server and Mr.Green Race Server in MTA; I have play on Mix and Race since July of last year but, I was registred from September of last year, about me, im playing on Mr.Green Mix Server all day mostly and in Mr.Green Race Server some hours usually (Only i disconnect for eat or sleep), When i don't play im on IRC of the server Steadily. ►GameServer: Mr.Green MTA Racer Server and Mr.Green MTA Mix Server ►Age : !8 years old ►Country: Mexico ►Steam: yes , link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/PersonalizadoMta/ ►Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: » Well,I liked be admin specially of Mr.Green Mix Server, Why this server? Because in this server are lot of blockers,trolls,racist, inclusive cheaters of hacks.if i be admin, i will help to evite blockers,trolls,racist,cheaters and hacks in Mr.Green Mix Server for this server be better(I dont say that Mr.Green Mix Server are a bad server, I love it, Only i think this server can be better). ♦Some Blockers Post In Mix: http://forums.mrgreengaming.com/topic/13707-kaukokosanki-blocker-in-mix-server/ ♦Some Cheaters/Hacks Post In Mix: http://forums.mrgreengaming.com/topic/13827-hhxbossviktor-big-hack-videos/ » Another point is i can help users of central and south america (Because my native language is the Spanish), i saw some guy of this part of the planet don't know how to play some game-mode, Specially don't know how to shot in "ManHunt" or don't know how to take tha flag in "Capture The Flag", and they can't ask to admin because are not admin on mix or don't know English;and I can help this users in them dudes, also I have a good english to help users of the other parts of the planet. → Thanks for your time for read my Admin Apliccation, Regards.
  12. in ss that part of map are strait , always noobs making an accidently blocking
  13. when nts maps warp?
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