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Mr. Green Gaming


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HSV_CLUBSPORT_R8's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Good luck too
  2. Race Maps FTW!!!!!
  3. the 8-track really needs ghost mode especially when there are a lot of people playin' in the server.
  4. LOL Nice pile-up in the race...hahaha
  5. only for those map which have cramped-up spawns.
  6. ? HSV_CLUBSPORT_R8 is my nick in-game.
  7. Gameserver:MTA Age:16 Country of origin:Singapore Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: I have been playing MTA for more than a year now.Im frequent player on Default server,DKR freeroam and SiK racing server.I usually spend more time on Mr green racing server.A frequent user of IRC chats,but has just register on this forum.I felt that there are too little admins in MTA server:( Only SkyNet and Juggernaut are the admins i saw.I would like to apply for the admins because i play fair.I would only ban those who are hacking in the server. Add on:If my application is not being approved,i won't make a fuss about it. Thats all i have to say,thank u.:-)
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