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Everything posted by SiK.Full_Metal

  1. actually, he is 37 going on for 38, i kno this for a fact as ive met him and drank with him from what ive seen of this, it was a misunderstanding of NikT's humor, which then resulted in this, his comment is never directed at anyone in a harsh way, it was meant as a joke. no offence or anything, but this server could use with members like NikT apart from all the hackers that are on, was a surprise there was admin on tonight actually, as there never is any other time im with NikT on this, i wont be coming back, i dont care if you delete my acc on here either, it dont bother me
  2. hey rao, good to see you on these forums rao is one of the best SiK racers, and one of my mates i kno i can depend on
  3. its on the SiK Recruit server, just seeing if there are others who would like to join
  4. my bad, i read the post wrong
  5. would this be the amd dual core bug, as i have a patch here that may work for you http://www.amd.com/us-en/assets/content_type/utilities/TscSync.zip im not sure if this bug has been resolved or not
  6. cool, i dont like to see other people be put off from the server from how the leader acts and some of the other members
  7. most members do hate demonseed, but ive known him for a long time now, and, im use to him he does what he does, cant do much more
  8. from what ive seen, i believe you got banned by demon and playboy comes on thinking his the best thing to happen
  9. ok, if it is only one member then, id still like to know what happened, and id rather ask here apart from that, thanks for reading
  10. yes, there are memebrs on the forums, who dont like sik, i believe juggernaught was one (my bad if name spelt wrong)
  11. there are some who do, and i would just like to know why
  12. im just curious about what happened between here and SiK, as i know there is a lot of tension and hatred as to say
  13. now knowing some what of the story behind this, i understand why you dont like him, just so you know, im not like him
  14. i will update everyone on the new rounds, i think there is 3, the first one has just passed, cant join until then i see SiK have left a bad impression here, i apologize, i am not like most of the other members, i like to help and have fun
  15. for all who wish to join sorry if this isnt allowed, just wanted to see if anyone was interested [siK]Rao is running this I thought in a better form to do a champ. I will post my idea, then, you all say if it is good to put it on. How It will Be: 1)It will be In the Recruit Server. 2)Everybody that want participate must warn me in this topic,cause i will create a list of who will be on. 3)When champ start,everybody who participate will receive a pm message with the password to enter in the recruit server(Don't give the password to ANYBODY that aren't participating). The Champ 1)This will be divided in rounds. The objetive is dont be one of the last in the record's list each round.I Will create a special map(and simple,only with cps)every week that will be every round. Then,when the round ends,the persons that made the last records(4,3,2 i am thinking in it yet)will be eliminated. The Winner will be the last to stay,like a knockout challenge. 2)Everybody will have 1 week to do your best times,so you can join the server when you want,not in a time that some persons can't join the server and others can.It makes the tourney more just. Rules: 1)Max 30 persons in the champ 2)Don't use cheats/hack/mods 3)Everybody will receive by pm the same password,be sure to dont give it to anybody that aren't participating to don't mess the tourney. 4)Every round,persons will be eliminated 5)the maps that i will make will be specially preparated to be fun and difficult with no special constructions(as i suck in build roads,gps and etc) 6)Don't abuse you admin deleting records.(ex:use the /deletetime command to make you win the tourney.) 7) The people that didnt make any time will be automatically eliminated. Persons Participating [siK]Lelouch [siK]hipis161 [siK]mezcaline [siKr]Rain. [siK]Playboy [siKr]Gionux [siK]Blacky [sKC]TD_Mystic TreoX [siKr]ReKien [siK]Grim_Reeper [siK]asablic H2o[iTA] F0Rce Pls everybody that want participate write your nick and i will put in the participate list.I will give more details later.
  16. fair enough, ill try and report hackers then when there is no admin on
  17. well, the other clans im in are mainly samp, and SiK is my mta clan, which i will not leave, ive been with them since they started, am one of the original members, they taught me nearly everything i kno if i fail due to i wont leave SiK, then so be it, no harm in trying tho
  18. hey NikT, good luck with your app bro also, with DRuG, NikT is the owner and founder of it
  19. hello, most of you dont know me, but i play on the server everynow and again, i would like to apply for admin to help the server out when there is no admins online, and i have another friend who would also like to do the same, and he is on there alot also, sorry if this is ment to be in a seperate topic Game Server:MTA Age:19 nearly 20 Country:Australia Link To steam Comunity: SiKFulMetal Link to Xfire profile: hendo56 Info: i have been apart of mta for 5 years now, ive been admin for that time as well, i run 3 clans and am apart of SiK, speed is king, im also admin on the DRuG and AGS server, and i play samp, also admin on there More about you: i like to come onto this server as it has players on all the time, i dont race for records just for fun Some more reasons why you want to be admin? i would like to be an admin due to i have had years of experience, i know what to look for and i would like to keep this server hax free if you would like to get to know me more, that is fine, ill try and come on when there is more regulars on
  20. sorry, i couldnt find the button, can someone remove that please for me
  21. - snip -
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