Dear Mr. Greengaming, I would like my account "larsn20" to be unbanned. The reason for the ban was some kind of x-ray software (or similar). If it was about getting lots of diamond, here's my explanation: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- What I try to do is to get lots of diamond blocks using a Silk Touch enchanted pickaxe. After I'm done mining, I return to the base and I take apart all the blocks using a Fortune enchanted pickaxe. That way, I got more diamond than in normal ways. I personally think that that's the cause of the server thinking I was using some kind of x-ray software. Thank you for reading this and my apologies for any inconvenience which this may have caused. Additional information as requested in the sticky topic: 1. Your ingame name larsn20 2. Date of your ban 4-3-2013 (4 march 2013) 3. What game/server are you banned from 4. Who banned you (only if you know who) Unknown 5. Reason why you got banned (only if you know why) X-ray abuse 6. Reason why we should unban you Can be read above.