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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by larsn20

  1. Fair enough. I will enjoy my ban and you may close the ticket.
  2. I guess the extra information is not of value anymore as the admins have already decided to not unban me. Mathijs, je antwoord lijkt zich niet te baseren op feiten, enkel op de regels. Dat is jammer en eigenlijk best onprofessioneel. Sluit het ticket maar.
  3. Admins, Any update about my request? Thanks.
  4. Dear Mathijs1996, I mine them with the Fortune pickaxe right after the expedition. Thank you for taking your time. I will await your decision.
  5. Dear Mr. Greengaming, I would like my account "larsn20" to be unbanned. The reason for the ban was some kind of x-ray software (or similar). If it was about getting lots of diamond, here's my explanation: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- What I try to do is to get lots of diamond blocks using a Silk Touch enchanted pickaxe. After I'm done mining, I return to the base and I take apart all the blocks using a Fortune enchanted pickaxe. That way, I got more diamond than in normal ways. I personally think that that's the cause of the server thinking I was using some kind of x-ray software. Thank you for reading this and my apologies for any inconvenience which this may have caused. Additional information as requested in the sticky topic: 1. Your ingame name larsn20 2. Date of your ban 4-3-2013 (4 march 2013) 3. What game/server are you banned from server.minecraft.nl 4. Who banned you (only if you know who) Unknown 5. Reason why you got banned (only if you know why) X-ray abuse 6. Reason why we should unban you Can be read above.
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