This is regarding the amazing double standards this mod Huljpe has against me for blocking some kid in months ..there are far off worse players on the mrgreen servers than me BUT this guy targets me just because i dont make a thread with screenshots and all that jazz i doubt that he would even rule in my favor cause he hates me so much. nick - Angus on MTA san An servers. Let me set the scene and record straight I got called out by some kid "themorrocanjob" ; A week ago for blocking mainly him because he hates my fucking guts the truth of the matter is, he's a bloody racist who keeps insulting me and when he loses the lead he comes around to block me and fuck my race This continued for a while and I didn't care to make screenshots of this kid because it kept goin back and forth and I let it slide but ... I blocked him i blocked the shit out of him(only him),..who wouldn't? And then he goes and makes a thread about me in the bans forum asking for my ban Instantly Hulpje who is such a wonderful mod comes in and bans me Now Hulpje he says - blocking on the mix server doesnt concern him and neither does it bother him - the admins dont take the mix server srsly - OK FINE Here - http://forums.mrgree...erver/?p=120968 But then Huljpe who is such a amazing mod decides to ban me as long as he wants - typically blocking earns you a 1 week ban But in my case Hulpje decides to keep me banned as long as he wishes - hypocrite much? He says and I quote him - "Maybe I wanna keep you banned for something else" - racist much? and on top of that people who bunch together and block others and he wont do shit about them ten days after a thread was made he then decides to respond cause i pmed him on irc and says he's not gonna ban one of them http://forums.mrgree...view=getnewpost dont you all see the double standards? - how can you let such an admin run amuck with his bullshit attitude? The site owner needs to get him in line or demote him, cause that's the only way he'll learn