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Mr. Green Gaming


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  1. LG G5 International #Giveaway @androidauth https://t.co/24TDrCQ3Do

  2. Has so much cum been squirted in your eyes that you cant see him blocking? Jesus! get off jacks nuts and don't reply to a thread with such hostility that doesn't concern you.
  3. Exactly if there was an admin on the mix server he could see for himself how the kiddies like to constantly screw other peoples races I think the screenshot system is flawed, someone just comes in here presents proof of being blocked. There should be visual confirmation by an admin that someone is doing it on purpose or a reason and punish the right person.
  4. What country you from? If you're crossing the ping limit maybe there is something wrong with your connection and routing to the server see if you can figure out the problem by port forwarding or opening blocked ports, maybe then your pings would improve.
  5. Look at these two jew bastards coming in here and thinking they can rustle me. sandybitch this doesn't even concern you, you're a eunuch who will always remain that way I could give 2 shits about you two wasted sperm of your fathers , pussies hiding in your eurofag land talking shit excuse me while I continue playing on the servers in peace without even giving a damn about you faggots.
  6. I didn't get any warning from you Sergio But that doesn't mean I don't respect the authorities of this place I just wanted to vent my frustration and point out that this so called admin " Hulpje" has unjustly targeted me. I wanted to shed light on that he has a personal vendetta against me Anyway I hope its all sorted out sooner or later, I don't want chide anyone and nether intrude into someone else's matter jack123 is a solid player peace.
  7. Haha you actually believe that? When that kid made that thread and I responded in it with valid counterpoints to his ...huljpe still went ahead and banned me when someone else made a thread about others blocking in droves - he did didly squat about it Get it through your thick skull he targets me and he doesn't give 2 shits about it and i do respect the admins just not him , he doesn't deserve to be respected. he's a racist prick.
  8. This is regarding the amazing double standards this mod Huljpe has against me for blocking some kid in months ..there are far off worse players on the mrgreen servers than me BUT this guy targets me just because i dont make a thread with screenshots and all that jazz i doubt that he would even rule in my favor cause he hates me so much. nick - Angus on MTA san An servers. Let me set the scene and record straight I got called out by some kid "themorrocanjob" ; A week ago for blocking mainly him because he hates my fucking guts the truth of the matter is, he's a bloody racist who keeps insulting me and when he loses the lead he comes around to block me and fuck my race This continued for a while and I didn't care to make screenshots of this kid because it kept goin back and forth and I let it slide but ... I blocked him i blocked the shit out of him(only him),..who wouldn't? And then he goes and makes a thread about me in the bans forum asking for my ban Instantly Hulpje who is such a wonderful mod comes in and bans me Now Hulpje he says - blocking on the mix server doesnt concern him and neither does it bother him - the admins dont take the mix server srsly - OK FINE Here - http://forums.mrgree...erver/?p=120968 But then Huljpe who is such a amazing mod decides to ban me as long as he wants - typically blocking earns you a 1 week ban But in my case Hulpje decides to keep me banned as long as he wishes - hypocrite much? He says and I quote him - "Maybe I wanna keep you banned for something else" - ​racist much? and on top of that people who bunch together and block others and he wont do shit about them ten days after a thread was made he then decides to respond cause i pmed him on irc and says he's not gonna ban one of them http://forums.mrgree...view=getnewpost dont you all see the double standards? - how can you let such an admin run amuck with his bullshit attitude? The site owner needs to get him in line or demote him, cause that's the only way he'll learn
  9. nothing will ever be done, the admins don't care jack123 has no life and has invested significant amount of euros in greencoins , they wont ban him even if he anally penetrated one of the admins' moms sad but true.
  10. Well, we don't really care about blockers since it's part of the game. The problem is if we allow blocking the entire mix server might turn into a blocking server. Thats why we give players that keep blocking a short ban (1 week or something). for the bans: I'm not gonna ban jededo since the screenshots aren't enough proof. For both SpinViper and ~dQ__Qb~ im not going to do anything for now, but remember that blocking an entire way like that is the typical kind of blocking we want to prevent. So you keep me banned as long as you want and don't ban them? double standards much? hypocrite
  11. I get banned and these guys don't. shows you how much the mods care.
  12. Im getting more proof wait and watch.
  13. I am done with this shit every fucking time I come here I get banned by some amateur kid who doesnt evne look at the proof I posted bunch of kids.
  14. You can clearly see he blocked me and started laughing about it in the chat see the mini map and my position he does this all the time, everytime he loses the lead he fucks with others races and Hulpje bans me only instead He is clearly over his head on this do somehting bout this.
  15. Here in this thread this kid "themorrocanjob" keeps blocking me and he makes a thread about all the times I have blocked him which is fair http://forums.mrgreengaming.com/topic/14136-ban-angus-mix-server/#entry120805 and Hulpje bans me only instead He is clearly over his head on this do somehting bout this.
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