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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Tribalmind

  1. Kod, is the block change plugin active again? If so , we can let minemaster6060 and ganstermine (Still not talking in the whole matter) back in and if something disappears we can see who it was and ban the thief with evidence instead of suspicion.
  2. Well I didn't change thing, just curious after I asked to ganstermine where his base was, so I visited it, just walked trough, as you must have seen. And I guess that ganstermine can talk for himself? If theres any damage, please state it and I am willing to help the repairs as I am willing to help anyone in building , if they cant do it themselfs *sigh* the accusations fly back and forth already... starts to look like the old Mr Green and we don't wanna go back that way
  3. Minemaster, I didn't call you thieves, I just connected the dots. I spoke to hulpje about the missing dia, and you reacted fiercly, without me even accusing you... that creates suspicion don't you think? And if players visit my base while I m off, and I suddenly return online, they mostly say things like "nice base" or something like that and don't run off in silence when I greet with "hey" of "hi"...
  4. Thanks Kod, you know I don't need much dia...just for tools...lol So the exact amount is not important to me, as long as I can build what I want. And don't apologize, I don't blame you, the woodpick thingy was great for evidence though
  5. Kod, I lost all my dia Please reinstall the wood pick plugin I was watching minemaster and ganstermine on live map in my base, when I came online they both left I check my dia chest .., EMPTY I asked them both and none of them knows.... there were multiple blocks in it and a lot of lose dia, which I need for my tools Please take appropriate action, and at least restart or install the block check plugin/woodpick thingy Thank you
  6. No just a humble Engineer, with WorldEdit i'm a demi-god... lolz
  7. done
  8. Same here he took 64 coal.. problem is not the only amount... but taking without asking, coming into my base checking chests... and so on
  9. Congrats Kod!! great job on your exams!
  10. I ll help build on some community builds as wel, arenas, spawns...
  11. 1: Tribalmind 2: Off Course... Tha Builder is in da House 3: Yes 4: Yes 5: Help other with their builds and make some great community builds.. like the small one on Dus David Games
  12. Lol everyones getting exited!
  13. survival sounds ok, playing it all the time now...lol count me in
  14. Singleplayer MC...lolz
  15. Not only the spawn is broken I guess... nobody can get in......
  16. I agree with Balmung that not everything can stay the same, the factions thing in its current playing style is boring most of the players after two weeks. Blocking the claiming is an option which can build longer lasting and thus stronger and bigger "factions" (or player groups). Only thing is that players need a purpose to attack each other and can be able to gain entry in each others base, claiming and endereyes are the current mechanics for that as there is no other (faster) way, like TNT or withers
  17. i know, i saw it, great joob, i was also working hard to make a nice base, but is wrecked now, so congrats ! I quit with my base, sorry would loved to build a nice one too
  18. yes but how to claim it back...? you now have 1 piece in the middle of my old territory, it is useless for you .. what happened?, i was offline, came back and ther it was, tower demoshed and 1 claim in it, I agree you win, but release the claim, so we cam have another go at it
  19. We are also overclaimed, by adasfa, in the middle of our base his power is 1/8/8 and we are 14/15/40... how can we undo this??
  20. Count me in, faction despicable, Tribalmind
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