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Mr. Green Gaming

Suphakrit Phantharat

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Suphakrit Phantharat last won the day on May 29 2013

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  1. at least it wasn't this much http://blog.cloudflare.com/the-ddos-that-almost-broke-the-internet
  2. dat rotten dick
  3. read another posts to see the future of this post -.-
  4. in my place they are UTM appliance which require me to authenticate myself every 10 minutes therefore I can't initiate VPN connection. On other hand, MTA does not support SOCKS proxy as it is using UDP ...
  5. never thought of that :amused: but then, the player always have a chance of getting better or worse witch is more uncertain compared to ping
  6. as we all know that the race server has ability to separate people into different dimension in order to reduce graphic load... so, is it possible to separate people in the ping range instead of randomly selection. e.g. once the server started, the server will get all the ping value from the players then use it to calculate upper and lower avgs. for example, the ping are 100, 100, 100, 150, 200, 200, 200 so the lower will be 100 and upper will be 200. afterward use the formula to find range (ex. upper-lower/2) therefore the player will be assign to different dimension based on ping ex. player 1, ping 100 assign to dim 0 player 2, ping 100 assign to dim 0 player 3, ping 100 assign to dim 0 player 4, ping 150 assign to dim 1 player 5, ping 200 assign to dim 1 player 6, ping 200 assign to dim 1 player 7, ping 200 assign to dim 1 this can be separated more into different dimension (by using more average group) why? as you all know, low ping people get annoyed by high ping people or vice-versa (getting rammed at incredible speed, etc...). so if the player has been separated into different group (at least before the dimension merge). this might reduce the problem. idk if this will work out or not, but i think it should improve the racing experience
  7. that's works!! wow, i never thought of this before, it makes EVERYTHING become lightening fast wow, idk what to say btw since i moved back to thailand, my ping goes up to 379, therefore... kicked lol
  8. Bad luck brian xD
  9. my suggestion: - top 5 player should earn gc (now it's only top 3) - Achievement Win the race (with more than 3 rc car)...
  10. 1. Name of the person (exact username) who should be banned: [HHX]BossViktor 2. What server: MTA RACE MIX 3. Reason why he/she should be banned: AirBreak (see SS, i can't record video ) http://imgur.com/MoThNTF http://imgur.com/d7kEKTT http://imgur.com/KOotljl http://imgur.com/wX9bWkG http://imgur.com/kNaQNSQ http://imgur.com/sNujnuU http://imgur.com/vAMaAR3 http://imgur.com/G1up2B6 http://imgur.com/CPDuRdK http://imgur.com/KknScEM http://imgur.com/PH54oif http://imgur.com/T5xysfc http://imgur.com/l63MEzX http://imgur.com/DUAMvOZ http://imgur.com/Bau1BH1 http://imgur.com/IGK0N4L http://imgur.com/d9qh6gs http://imgur.com/90pYZx2 http://imgur.com/2LxMiTk http://imgur.com/dGzgvOa http://imgur.com/VvdAHGL http://imgur.com/9Io2XLk http://imgur.com/A33MwN2 http://imgur.com/P274Jp6 http://imgur.com/R9A7bvA http://imgur.com/u2ufsVk http://imgur.com/kKaafck http://imgur.com/zd3yd2e http://imgur.com/eJBPPG3 http://imgur.com/EoP2XiG http://imgur.com/6Zzr2Ym http://imgur.com/R2KvuPd http://imgur.com/ae2Zx8H http://imgur.com/PjcrZR9 http://imgur.com/QDixD4V Related Tread: http://forums.mrgreengaming.com/topic/13822-ban-hhxbossviktor/ note: why can't i embed picture T_T
  11. How to turn on light? O_O
  12. Hi, I wanted to report a problem occurred. So me and my friend are using the same connection to play on the server. If we both logged in and play at the same time. The server will temp-ban our IP(?). And after 10 minutes or something, we will be able to re-login to the game again.
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