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Mr. Green Gaming


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Ranze61 last won the day on October 29 2014

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About Ranze61

  • Birthday 07/08/1999

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    Get good with bob good.

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  1. What's in your mind? *Thinking* | Please wait... |

  2. This happened while playing after respawn as fast zombie. Find a fix to this bug as the players can easly abuse it. Checked game files but nothing damaged. I got spammed by lua errors and only on suicide it stopped but bug persist until rejoin. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Screenshots http://prntscr.com/7b40yk http://prntscr.com/7b412v
  3. I Found this strange bug while playing Grenade: http://prntscr.com/5ddetn Medkit: http://prntscr.com/5ddex9 Oh the image for the medkit seems corruptedhttp://prntscr.com/5ddfzm
  4. No nails left... 8 nails remaining This game is crazieh
  5. I was barricading on a shithole like all times i go on the arsenal crate and i take the nails...i was nailing and boom "No nails left. Wait for the crate timer!" WTF i have 11 nails (Nope. 0 11 nails *what it mean? :|*) so i cant nail and barricade! This is an old bug but it can be fixed easily by pressing "R" (reload) [is not working anymore for some strange and nerdy reasons] Here the lovely screenshot http://prntscr.com/51c3kj
  6. Im still seeing some messages... http://www.prntscr.com/50yjek *The greens hat error is veeeeeery old*
  7. So much strange symbols in da conzole aaaaaaaaaaah my brain *deagle in the head*
  8. Well... the title says all loads of loads of errors! Why? idk lol im not a coder but i hope someone can fix this annoying problem that spam the console of $h!t here some screenshots The console says Well Bye for no reason http://prntscr.com/4zmxcx And here other strange errors (the big problem) http://prntscr.com/4zmxvx oh again Well bye [Mr.Green Gaming] Ranze61: readWell bye[Mr.Green Gaming] Ranze61: and learWell bye[Mr.Green Gaming] Ranze61: learnWarning: Unhandled usermessage 'recranfirstzom'Well bye[Mr.Green Gaming] Ranze61: http://mrgreengaming.com/forums/topic/15143-console-load-of-errorsWell bye[Mr.Green Gaming] Ranze61: cya] disconnectWell byeWell bye Why Well bye :|
  9. The database reset... Deal with it
  10. The !zsvotegag power must be given only at the mods/admins because the people abuse it Then i see again people abusing the command i will take a screenshot... but how i can add it in the reply? without creating a new topic? The other 2 abusers are Darude Swagstorm and Adam West
  11. A fully Random Gag Now by Herr Onkel Doktor One of the 5 random Gag in 30 min
  12. Loading a screenshot
  13. Dango King was in the server for all the time and don't do anything good work admin And man its not easy ignore these people If you gag me again i post a screenshot in the forum
  14. I was playing Zombie Survival and i destroy 1 prop unailed this fucktard Darude Swagstorm start calling me fag and !zsvotegag me... now this server is full of kids and for fun press f1 just for gag someone the zombies win, we changed map (ravenholm) and he gaged me again ffs! Ban this moron and remove this f. command
  15. Then the server reset for the 2nd time i try to play but its impossible! why? The 98% of the time im stuck on a zombie and he kill me and this is very unfair!, 2 survivors left 13 zombies we try to get in the roof of an house and... i get slapped with the message "This is a Restricted Area" i fall and i die, there are a lot of maps with exploits and no shit message so why this is a restricted area if the people can spawn fasties? very unuserful message right? the zombies don't have animation for the crouch (correct me if im wrong im not english) and they get killed! There are a lot of problems like the op bosses the fasties or the f****** howlers!!! Ywa fix those problems its impossible play Zombie Survival properly the server lose players all day!
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