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Mr. Green Gaming


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  1. Well i am on it im always on it with my friend steam ign jr ask him maybe you guys add me and we will play some time and thanks for the good luck my steam name is DevilKiller
  2. Yeah zs survival and whenever im on it no admins are on so maybe its partly my fault.that i play alot of murder.
  3. Im always on the zs server o.o
  4. Hope we get new maps for zombie survival because ive played all of th maps
  5. STEAM NAME:skdDevilkiller GAME SERVER: Mr.Green GMod | Zombie Survival. AGE: 18 COUNTRY:england WHY I SHOULD BE CHOSEN TO BE ADMIN ON ZS:hi i would like to join your team and help out the community of gmod servers because don't take this as a offence but there is hardly any admins online on gmod zs and everyday i go on your servers on zombie survival there is always abusers antisocial behaviour etc and i really wanna help out to make gmod survers a safe place for young and old gamers and i see your team as a decent team so i would like to join you and i can be active anytime you want and i am always active on your servers on gmod zombie survival thank you see you guys on the servers Any past experience of admin?> yes on Zarpgaming i have been admin of murder but quit to com here because their admins always afk and don't help steam link to profile:http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198090487463/ languages:English little bit of Dutch. hours i play gmod:5+more Time zone: UTC/GMT +1hour Thank you for reading my admin application hope you accept me have a nice day
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