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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Stupergrunt

  1. The normal zombie can "just" move a barrel fast enough to kill someone and even then it doesnt go very far. Anything above that such as the blue shelves cant be used as a weapon and theres only chairs and tires that can be knocked a decent distance.

    The zombie spawns dont work in the slightest, its not even random its just bad and zombies win 19/20 matches the one that the humans do win is normally because every human has gone into the attic and is aiming at the same way up, even then as soon as the zombies get howlers theres nothing you can do to stop the dmg.

    Im also yet to see why the multiple spawn areas wont work, you could at least give it a try no?

  2. In my opinion it is a lot easier for the zombies now, but its to a stupid extent. I can easilly rack up 20 kills as a zombie if i start off and im yet to get spawnkilled repeatedly although ive seen it happen to some people. The major problem is the spawns at the moment because despite it being dynamic it always chooses one rough area for them to spawn in, take insurance for instance. The zombies WILL SPAWN in the office area, in The Pub its normally the bottom floor or top floor, never outside as it should be, no matter how many humans are there they just keep spawning there which means that dynamic spawns is a waste of time since it didnt even fix the spawnkilling problem in the first place. If your gonna use this dynamic spawn you need to give the maps zombie spawns everywhere not just in one place or it defies the point.

    On to the humans, thier survival is based on how fast you can rack up points and how many medics they have and NOTHING else, if you can get to a SMG while the others are still on thier first pistol they will be wiped out while you can survive with no problem since you will be getting a kill or assist on every zombie from that point. As for medics theres not much you can do about that because thats what there there for. Also you halved the normal zombies dmg? WTF? As if they werent weak enough already, now they cant even move props.

  3. As pepper said a few of the zomb classes do need tweaking but the spawns at the moment are terrible, you cant defend yourself when zombz are coming from every direction unless you spam mines and thats just irritating. Anyway maybe as a solution stick with the old way of having a spawn area for the zombies but have 2 of them with plenty of exits just to make sure that you cant camp one exit and stop them doing anything, that way you get rid of the camping but keep the general "Thier coming from that kind of direction"

    Also it would be nice to see some of the human classes fixed for leveling before adding more content.

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