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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by NatureX+

  1. Nah, he hates laggers. And surely will take advantage on it.
  2. Right.
  3. Not from India.
  4. Still active? I lowered my ping to 200 tho. By the way I'm not from Brazil.
  5. Yep, it's not about my internet. Just distance, location.
  6. Maximum ping really pissing me off :(


    1. SkyBlue


      go to a server near ur country

    2. jack123


      need cableada

    3. NatureX+


      theres nothing like this, they should give a chance for asians to play :(

  7. Yeah, it hurts, really hurts when I can't play this server anymore. Been on this server for 2 years aand yeah I can't play this anymore except when it's night on YOUR time. My only suggestion is higher the ping to 300, yep 300. I'd be really thankful if you do so, not just me, all other asians and latinooo. Thank you. I don't know if I must post it on the "complaints" thread. Well, just move it if you think I'm wrong.
  8. It is possible https://youtu.be/B_5WTDIwXJ4 It already has?
  9. So, we can collide with vehicle even if our map has gm?
  10. But.. I've putted some instruction on the map
  12. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
  13. Another fix, replace the old onertf-infernuscontrollation2.zip New maps: Race--RaceNa.zip NTS ver.--NTS_Nature_Approached.zip RTFrtf-shiny.zip
  14. I fixed the meta file manually, cus the mrgreen plugin doesn't work properly for sure. rtf-carscontrollation1.zip rtf-infernuscontrollation1.zip
  15. You've putted Infernus Controllation 1 on race gamemode, i don't know if it's your mistake, but i choosed the racemode to RTF via mrgreen plugin. And, i can't see Cars Controllation on Maps store. thanks.
  16. Are this health transfer perk or health stealing perk?
  17. what about we use both Deathmatch, classic one, and the new one, that would be better. ( cus i like the new one )
  18. RTF is not really DM, more like FUN. And warp still declining DM maps with "not noob friendly", "too hard for mrgreen".
  19. Mr.Green admins Shit,shit i'm gonna die... fuck yeah i found stairwell to heaven Dan when kebabs asking for ma nigga i think it's enough for now.
  20. Totally agree with DM, but please, new school, I h8 oldschool.
  21. Fixed all the things + new maps. ctf-landz0r.zip rtf-apocalypse1.zip rtf-infernuscontrollation1.zip rtf-infernuscontrollation2.zip rtf-carscontrollation1.zip
  22. Yeah, i don't know why this bug happening after i installed mrgreen plugin, everytime i placed object id 8558, it isn't touchable, driveable, i can't even click it, can someone tell me how to fix it? It happens to my old maps tooo :/
  23. DM gamemode pls.
  24. Run MTA:SA for administator, that would help.
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