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Mr. Green Gaming


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    Turbo reacted to NITROX for a status update, I thank all those responsible for the MrGreen for the opportunity I had here, forgive   
    I thank all those responsible for the MrGreen for the opportunity I had here, forgive me if it says something wrong and I am already telling you that I came back, and I will be better than I have been, in every way... I will continue helping and assisting new residents as I have always done, only now in a more limited way, but just for the time being... Whenever you have any questions about creating maps or if you want a help to be able to do your own you can call me anytime, because that's what makes me happy in the MTA, this freedom that we have to express our creativity freely without receiving anything for it. And I will continue to fight for new creators and to preserve old maps that have made fun of this wonderful community called MrGreen     Android King - IOS Vadia
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