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Mr. Green Gaming


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  1. Some maps I think that you can keep; fun_allinone_css_v2 awp_snowsk337_pakratted fy_simpsons_h deathrun_iceworld_v2 deathrun_tribute_final and one of the multimaps; you have three of them and only one is good. How about getting back some old maps? Like mg_3k_smash_redux and the one where you start with grenades at the top and fall down, what is the name of it? I miss the old jetpack, but that is not playable because of the new update -.-
  2. I like the old maps... But you need to remove some of the old one though.
  3. The problem is that you changed a good server, and made it to a deathrun server without asking the people on the server. I'm sure that the most of the people playing on mr green and the "veterans" will run quick as hell from the "new" server. Because seriosly, how fun is it to play 32 sucky deathrunes round after round? You try it, ALL of them suck. Gratz with fucking up a good server :/ So if there is will be no changes on the server... TSW is out. kkthnxbai
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