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Mr. Green Gaming


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  1. it will better if you back a ZPS server =) i really miss
  2. Hi, ([email protected])

    I wish we make use of this great opportunity of friendly. How are you;work,health and life over there?. My name is Grace,am a girl,single never marry. I went across your profile today on (/forums.left4green.com). I found intrest on you,i wish to know you more.i made up my mind and decided to left this message of proposal to you. I really believe we can move..

  3. Why an admin ingoring my appliction?You should be said yes/no and not to delay it for a during long time.Everdy day on the server chaos and admins on the server.If u not belive come there for spactate a few hours.
  4. ah sorry, im just do not see a froum section. p.s dear moderators, if not difficult move my topic in right section. yeah, maybe this time have luck Thanks.
  5. Gameserver: mr.greens zps server (Zombie Panic:Source) Age: 17 Country of origin: Ukraine, Kiev city Link to SteamCommunity profile *: http://steamcommunity.com/id/acab-ua/ (open for all currently) Link to Xfire profile **: nope Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin:hi guys, maybe u know me or not, but anyway past alot of time from begining played on this server.So i see alot of violations thats make ppl be unbalanced as result - rage quit (disconnect) this affects by online players on the server... the frist reason is bad nominations of maps (like well-known annoying zpa maps) the second: in wich first reason i have allready type it - no admins.My goal is to establish order on the server and make the game easier and enjoyable.I am confident that you will not be disappointed in the choice.Thank you for your understanding (Ywa) Your player A.C.A.B.
  6. hi hitla xDDDDD

  7. http://hlstatsx.left4green.com/hlstats.php - look stats is offline...
  8. maybe problem beloning in with server response to MYSQL site base... i know it cause i see the same problem on other servers in wich installed HLXCE stats.My propostition to reboot the server and check connection to MYSQL base
  9. so what about stats problem?Im earn my frags without statistics.Fix this isue plz.
  10. tnx
  11. Admin tell me please when the server be online?Or u have a problem with hackers or intruders (im think that server is DDoS attacked, or server erorring problems). Im wait for quick replying, thanks.
  12. acab

    Two Hackers

    yeah, this cheater must get banned by ip or network socket permanently (but im really dont know wich ip,) I can say is that he is from Latvia and speaks latvian, russian and his age about 13 years also he has a problem with the psyche. Ofcourse he creates acc's and upload hl2 engine on contant and launch it..so can last for never ending. Looking demo what this idiot do on the server... http://rapidshare.com/files/402265208/Demo-cheater.rar.html сant wait until when he'll get it banned
  13. Thanks for help guys!And now i have nothing left to do not like playing on your fucking server and watch how bad people crush your server: cheating, abusing, yelling, mic spam and etc... (not pleasant sight).You have not noticed that people rarely connect to the server? And the reason is simple - do not want to recruit admins that they followed for order on the server.So, what about racism: i have this is my personal views from this. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to write last message (i was afraid if that i'll get banned here) P.S. Good luck in the prosperity of your portal (to Ywa)
  14. Pardon me.What are u waiting for?How many time im wasting on epic agreement/disagreement for my candidacy.Ywa or someone tell me why you did not want to take my in the admin or u have any reason for the accepting my candidacy.If you both want i will take an active part on IRC forum and accept all rulez.And since none of the admins are not observed on the server... Thank you for your understanding
  15. I will...
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