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Mr. Green Gaming


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  1. Ha, awesome plugin!
  2. lol
  3. ehm....that's not blocking. looks like random crashin to me. you're asking for it if you complain tbh, just get on with it and it'll be fine. gotta love a bit of banter on MTA edit: you alw boys do like a good moan dontcha
  4. Fixed Spawns, deleted some crap (popup should be better), Infernus & Bullet change half way through, and nitro spawns around the track for faster action. Brands_Hatch.zip
  5. Attached map. 70 cps, 220kb. Nice! Brands_Hatch BRANDS_HATCH_GRANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.zip
  6. MAP DONE, SEE 2ND POST FOR LINK My first map. Thought i'd make my favorite circuit from the UK. A famous track, used for F1 (used to be), British Touring Cars, WTCC, DTM and many more. A simple high speed track, I've not included the longer 'Gran Prix' part of the track as the Indy circuit makes for quicker, speedier laps, ideal for MTA gameplay. I've been to the track a fair few times, and I've memorised the layout & landscape over the years. I'm a sucker for accuracy, detail and easter eggs, and the mapping reflects it. It's a great track IRL, and should make for some civilised, but otherwise speedy, competitive racing. Not sure if to keep it to one car for the whole map, or have a new car spawn each lap (ala whestone falls). Might look for a Touring Car mod and make it a downloadable mod (Like the WRC maps). Dont know how to do that yet, gotta finish the track. Info and Pics (RL and my map) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brands_Hatch http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=brands+hatch&fb=1&gl=uk&hq=brands+hatch&hnear=brands+hatch&cid=0,0,66619510812042958&ei=Py9dTOqoHIX00gTkjPy_Bw&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=image&resnum=2&ved=0CDEQnwIwAQ My pics:Well I thought i'd make a drive through vid actually. But the vid turned out funky! So it's more of a sneak peak preview! least you can kinda see it and the layout of the map. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_L2ByEUwRb8 No idea what happened lol. Should be done soon!
  7. NL jap is a legend. maybe you was just getting in his way
  8. Says you who was blocking on purpose yesterday. but when i do it it's cute
  9. Palo's ok, hes a good player; Pinasol is funny to aggitate because he's blatently some 14 year old
  10. Logged on this morning to MTA and 'updated' (new update). Looked for the race server, not to be found? Is it just a matter of not updating. I just realised how much I love the server :'(. DD mode just isn't the same *violin*
  11. Love the MTA server, it's the only one I play on, thought i'd reg up on here just for the hell of it!
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