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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Tear

  1. mmm it's ram and sabotage , idk if it is punishable bcs he is not racing, he is doing that. nice edit too hahaha
  2. humillation u.u gg all
  3. Hi, good day Well , the problem starts with the fact that there isn't a same-color rule for the clans. In this case we have a few problems with some clans by using the same red color. Sometimes i ask nicely to the leaders to change the color and they kindly change, bcs always the clan members are confused by the other clan's members, who they have the same color on the radar. But sometimes i ask gently and the clan members act the rudest way possible and even they begin to threaten, and they deny doing it. Considering FaP is a older team, we have priority with the color. I don't remember if @F1MADKILLER or @Cenasaid to me that i can ask @BlueYoshi97 to change the other clan color obligatorily. If you decide to not create a rule, at least , ¿can you help us changing the color of the other team?. Thanks for your attention. Anthony~Vz
  4. 150 gc per hour, freeroam, race and deathmach hybrid sv (like mad said), PJ for a day, close mix and race and redirect when you conect to the ip , to another server, for more concurrence and only race, dd, nts and rtf maps, bcs sh and ctf are bad and it will make so much ppl leave the event, mrgreen will not get carried away by a minority or will it?
  5. Good luck pariente, Buena suerte pariente FIERRO
  6. Map: [RTF]-puddi-puddi Reason: awful map, huge dislike rate, almost all the players get stuck in one part of the map.
  7. Map [NTS ] Dissapointment , Author: Anthony~Vz Good day. I fixed some things on this map, but i changed one cp making it longer, so the tops are wrong, except the tops of dubstep and laca. Can someone fix this ? Please.
  8. *NOTE: I was GeminiDuUranusi or GeminiUranus, i changed my nickname to the original 3 days ago. (if you want to know the history behind this nickname send me a PM!) **EDITED: MOD APP Game server: Mr Green Mix. Age: 20. Country of origin: Mexico. Discord name: Anthony~Vz Steam: AnthonyVz22 Ingame name: FaP|Anthony~Vz Hi all, good day! My name is Anthony Vázquez im 20 years old and i live on the east coast of Mexico. I'm a calm person and i like to help people, most of the time im happy and nice, when im not, i just try to not be rude. Only one or two people really bother me, but it's ok. I study a computing engineering in the Technological Institute of Veracruz. I am on 4th grade. I have a 55% - 65% of english learned. I don't study for exams because i learn all on the way. I don't like rude people but i can deal with they without losing control. I'm playing mix between 2 and 4 hours at day so, accessibility wouldn't be a problem if i get the job. If my superiors need me, i can wake up at 4 am if it is necessary. I want to be part of the mr green team as i said, for help people, and being a hispanic community member on the team will be helpful to the spanish talk members. I know how to know if a map is good or bad, and some rules of mapping. I really want to be part of this team, be more useful. I hope to complete your expectations. -Anthony~Vz
  9. I have an idea of a new kind of event, i call it "Team wars". Team wars consists of a battle in the different maps (it would be good to include race maps) among 5 teams depending on the number of participants that sign up. The "teams" would be generated randomly depending on the registration number of the player. The event in general consists of learning to work in a team with different players. To be fair, each team would be led by each of the past clan war champions (KoM team). The winners could be awarded with whatever the administration wishes. All players can participate (with the exception of unregistered players), they can participate although they are not in a clan.
  10. Chapter Two starring , guess who, guizada! (yesterday's footage)
  11. I can help , and i admit i said "parasite to him", punish me if is the case, i'll take it.
  12. Tear

    [RTF] BMXTreme

    TY mad
  13. Can someone bring back this map? It was one of the best rtf ever made by yoshi. Please, the map is not that hard
  14. Tear

    Mod application

    yay good luck
  15. good luck, we need a new MA
  16. Uh in that case no, and i not even trying to be mod guiz forget that idea of "opponents". Don't try to be nice just for wanting to win a mod, be yourself and act normally. There are people who do not like actors. Maybe I'll change my mind.
  17. i have one get ready to move your p-nis.mp3
  18. FaP|Gemini_U. Mix server Map: [Nts]BigRace - Tuesday Good day !
  19. yaay good luck laca , buena suerte amigo
  20. Thank you guys, for all the support <3
  21. Gameserver: MrGreen Mix Age:20 Country of origin:Mexico Link to Steam Community profile *:I don't have at the moment. Discord name **:Gemini-Uranus Ingame name:~Gemini_Uranus Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: Hi good day to all, im Anthony Vazquez aka. Gemini_Uranus. I'm 20 years old and im in high school studying an engineering. I live in Veracruz, in the southeast of Mexico. Basically my hobbies are play videogames and read some articles about history and politics.I have a 75% of english. The reason why i want to be map assistant is that there are not many map assistant, i would like to be because i want to help to find a higher flow of maps and support as much as possible and find new authors. I'm almost every day at least 3 to 5 hours at different intervals of the day (When in Europe it's night here it's day), so accessibility would not be a problem. I hope to meet your expectations, i would be very grateful to serve your community. ~Gemini_Uranus
  22. [RTF] A great adventure
  23. Hi admins, here i bring a bunch of photos of a player insulting me while i am trying to explain to new players how to register in mr green ,his nickname es pernalonga, i only killed him in sh and he started to bothering me.
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