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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Stelk

  1. Hello Mr.Green After a short mapping break I decided to make a small ZS map. I hope you like it. Download: http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=101669
  2. Howdy Greenies. I came up with another map. zs_bunker Enjoy Zombie spawn is split on 2. The main area is in the outside collapsed building and one small area at one of the balconies on the bunker. HINT: Do not touch the poisoned water inside. Its deadly but does not affect the zombies. Link: http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=97319
  3. Very simple. Make entity with the following name, env_headcrabcanister - place it in the ground where you want it to land and edit the settings by your choice. You can activate it by several ways. I did mines with trigger_once. Just make the trigger where you want to to fire the canisters. Put these O/I's OnTrigger /// *CanisterName* /// FireCanister and make sure to fire it once. by *CanisterName* put the name of the entity. You can also use button to fire the canister. Its the same outpurs except OnTrigger you gonna use OnPress.
  4. You can always test your fps by playing a simple hl2 map in gmod and then play the same map in hl2 and make the difference.
  5. Its just the skybox. Although there is a way to make similar mountains/hills or whatever just like in ep2. About the 2 questions how long do I work on my maps.. well it rly depends how long I work on the map per day. About the seconde question, I can say that I am not that ogod in optimizing but 1 of the reason the maps lags is that I put too much props and details in it that makes it run slower in Gmod. Gmod = FPS killer. But this one should not cause any fps drop cuz I used areaportals.
  6. The fellow mapper asks me?
  7. Thx guys. You're keep inspiring me to make more cool maps. The light entitiy is env_lightglow not env_sprite.
  8. This one is one of my best maps so far because it might change the gameplay a bit if the zs verison does not cut the npcs I spawned. (not zombies or soldiers or headcrabs) Watch out where your're walking. :> Screens: Link: http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=91928
  9. Thx. ^^ Appreciate the comments.
  10. I'm too tired to explain the map content so just read the links description. Link: http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=90210 Screenies: NOTE: The map is made out of CSS texture/models only!
  11. Thats probably the water compiled w/o VIS.
  12. I'm happy to hear it
  13. Hello Greens. Its been a long time since I made my last zs map. Well now I decided to make a new one, smaller and less laggy (minimum fps, 60). Here some screenies. 1 2 3 4 5 Link: http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=87495 read the link description for more info about the map. Hope you like it. Stelk
  14. Well that day.. I just joined and they started the stupid "fun" ... I hate it. Thats why I ruined it but suddenly they started a melee fight and I had no choice but join them.
  15. Is that me over there? The spy I mean. Yea.. its me
  16. Guys these kind of ladders are sometimes glitchy dependso n how you use it. Even me sometimes cant use it cuz I am not in the right poisition. But when I press the 'Use' key it works perfectly. About the vents? Cant break? Thats only ZS v2 issue. ;O
  17. bugged? I dont have any bugs at me, just try with 'Use' key. Sometimes the player cant attach to the ladder. ;]
  18. Press the button and you will see. @Clavus: well I am thinking for 1 last part5 but ain't gonna start it soon.
  19. ===== Subversive Part 4 ===== The fourth part of my subversive maps. This one does not continue from the previous one. It is a continue from V1 but from the other side. You will see once you try it. === Features === - Ground nodes. - Few Healthvials. - Ambient sounds. - Many zombie entrances. - Many camp rooms. - Deadly trap. > - Stable FPS. - And more... ================ Note: I'm not playing the latest ZS version but I had to test the map on it. I have used few func_breakable at the zombie spawn and the vent but somehow I couldnt break them as a zombie. I dont know if thats a bug or something. But i'm sure it can be fixed with some lua works. Link: http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=70685 Screens:
  20. Well, the fact you use a prop door to seal off your map is not really a good thing Just make it a brush with the door texture applied to it. Or place a brush behind it. Well by sealing with the prop door I didnt meant to seal to avoid glitches or leaks. I just wanted to end that side by a different way than brush. Its a fact that JetBoom did something that he shouldn't do. But anyway its his gamemode.
  21. Naah I am definatelly NOT starting any flame wars Just saying.
  22. Ywa I have to disagree with you here about Stoned Potatoes. 4 players? Come on.. You have more players probably because of your TF2 servers and the ZS server which is running from long time ago before SP has been created. Yes its true, we dont have that much peoples by few reasons. 1 of them is the time zone probably I dont know. Sometimes the server is almost full. Every server has its own unique features. Each player from these different communities hates each other cuz of their features aswell. 1 thing I dont like in Mr. Greens... the idiotic no collision. (own opinion) We have alot of cool custom weapons and even custom Health system (similar to the L4D one). And these custom stuffs lured alot of new players. Once again. THIS IS MY OWN OPINION. Best wishes. Your very own Stelky the Uber Mapper. lol that was stupid.
  23. I think I need more than 2 files. I mean for each side.
  24. Hmm the second one is good but the first one .... a map above the clouds?
  25. I've made another ZS map. This time it's not based on details and quality but on custom skybox. The map size is 9,35 MB cuz of the custom skybox which I had to pakrat in order to work. Skybox by Jockum Skoglund aka hipshot - http://www.zfight.com/ === Features === - Custom Skybox. - Ambient Generics. - Ground nodes everywhere. - Few health vials. - A small surprise in the bathroom at the gas station. ================ Link: http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=68938 Screens: url="http://filesmelt.com/Imagehosting/#89a7c96f2ba588e1df9b0dc1ac4eda6b.jpg"]
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