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Mr. Green Gaming


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  1. good luck m8
  2. some ideas: shop items: -exorcist: player can see wraiths and receives 50% less damage from them -restless soul: as normal zombies you become zombie torso when you die other: -increase damage of shotgun slightly -lower headcrab collision height so you cant get stuck behind them -include old wraith as a different class -include fast headcrab -more starting ammo for weak pistols classes: -player model and skin can be picked at beginning of round (maybe skins in shop?): -zombie leveling: altough zombie leveling should not result in overpowered zombies, just slightly improvement
  3. zombie survival dead? I play every few days and there are often 20-30 people online
  4. I really like the mr green server. here are some of my ideas for improvement weapons -let the magnum appear less often in crates -give the magnum more accuracy -give the pulse rifle the altfire it has in hl2 humans -give commandos grenades (hl2 ones) , about 2 or 3 when spawned. more from supply crates -give medics health vials they can give to a player or themselves for instant health -give medics a needle , which makes humans walk normal speed when they are almost dead. -make it so that engineers blow them selves up when they place a mine and it explodes right away. they receive to few damage of it right now. -spawn protection doesnt work when an engineer blows himself up with a mine -give commandos also the civil protection unit model -give berserkers a MP shield which they can use to block off zombies (or zombie hits) for a small amount of time. the berserker is thrown backwards if zombies hit the shield. the shield is destroyable and berserkers will only spawn with one. this will make the more of a team player. for example if they hold back a zombie when an almost dead human runs by zombies: howler: the howler is imo OP. but imo is also a necessary zombie. because humans sometimes hide in a place that can only be reached by howlers. so my suggestion for the howler. - half the damage , or better make damage on close range less - half the HP - humans are temporarely (until screen stops shaking) immune for the howler when they are howled at. to make groups of howlers less effective wraith: I really like this class. but it is a little to weak imo. -wraiths can pick up (small) items and throw them (like a poltergeist) -les time before actually punching - an update ( in the shop) so you can hit and move as a wraith at the same time fast headcrab: I would like to see the fast headcrab poisson headcrab: when a human gets bitten by a poisson headcrab he gets 1hp which slowly restores ( not completly) just like in hl2 normal headcrab: is to weak right now. people barerly use them -give them more damage - I dont know if this is possible but: when they hit a human in its head. they control the player , and after a while the player turns into a zombie if the headcrab isnt killed before that time. just my 2 cents
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