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  1. Xh3mn3s


    I know for sure.. that if i killed another guy on that way he wouldnt ban me only if he gets killed
  2. little kiddies just think cause there admin they think they can do whatever they want wth
  3. we? i ever said anything to you? and ever heard of freedom of expression?
  4. lolz? "You wouldnt be here in the first place anyway if you didnt commit the offense." ? i came here cause what he did wasnt right.. btw you say im whining for 30min...it are like 30people" who just had a 30 bann"... besides how would you feel when you join a game and get banned immeadiatly
  5. man... it isnt that hard to become an admin.. if i see how many admins we have.. i could ban also every person who bans me and just make up a reason
  6. btw what i did wasnt camping i just killed you .. you should have played and not stand still
  7. lolz 4sec? sure and all those other people to ?wtf
  8. yeah .. ive been playing this game for long time.. and this is the first time it happend..
  9. no warning just bann
  10. lolz i wasnt spawnkilling... he was afk for a sec at his spawn .. and i went to his spawn and killed him .. that isnt spawncamping spawncamping is waiting for someone to spawn and then kill him.. wich i didnt do.. and im not they only one who says that about him
  11. .. heyz.. I m just a random guy who plays on one of yur servers ^^ i just start playing i was like 1min online.. and then i killed Bastinator.. appearrantly an admin.. (doesnt deserves it) and the next thing i know im freaking banned for 30min . just cause i kicked him.. wtf? i play everyday on yur surf server and it never happend before.. so ive looked up^at the bans and wth do i see .. so many people that he kicked.. you can see here a list since when bastinater has been admin http://www.bans.left4green.com/ this isnt normal.. pure abuse
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