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Everything posted by Oh_noes!!
Updated the map; changed the cargobob into a hunter and fixed the respawn issues: race-adrenalinepillreturntrip.zip
New map! Adrenaline Pill - Return Trip It's like Adrenaline Pill (duh) but a tad darker race-adrenalinepillreturntrip.zip
Just a bump and a reupload for Binslayer Also I've renamed it to Power Metal Drag. race-powermetaldrag.zip
H!J@CK's ego just inflated by about 1000 times
LOL jake started it I just wanted to annoy tic toc, it's aiw now don't worry.
Gameserver: Mr Green MTA Age: 18 (on friday hah) Country of origin: England Link to SteamCommunity profile: Orphopox13 but my steam has brokez0red Link to Xfire profile: Xfire? Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: Well I'm Scott, I'm 18 in two days and I go on Mr Green's MTA server a lot, I feel I'm a slightly experienced MTA admin already as I was an admin on the XIII mta server for like a year until I quit because the server started to STINK. Oh and Binslayer recommended I made an app, that means something right? Thanks guys and wish me luck Also I suppose my only vice is that I don't go on IRC a lot, but it's only because I see no point when I could just be ingame. Obviously if I was an admin I would become more IRC active.
Oh hey, small update and a big new map: It's called Death Metal Drag EVOLVED, and it continues the theme of Death Metal Drag, but this time it's set over Las Venturas, the road is bigger with way more room, there's more checkpoints etc etc race-deathmetaldragevolved.rar
I'll do a quick reupload with the infernus/sandking not replaced with junker cars if that's okay? Edit: map attatched race-runrunrunomgwut.zip
I've made another RUN_RUN_RUN_RUN map, only this time I've merged the hunter script with the vehicles into objects script, meaning you're now chased by a giant flying rocket firing giant chicken of death race-runrunrunomgwut.zip
Hello hello, I made a new map. It's another RUN_RUN_RUN map with the hunter bot, except the vehicle that chases you isn't a hunter, it's a rocket firing AT400. Enjoy race-runrunrunwtf.zip
Right, I've made a new version of Death Metal Drag but this time with the hunter bot. The results aren't what you expect either, the hunter can't quiteee keep up with the fast infernus, but it shoots anyway, so quite a few behind 1st will get blown up. But I think this will actually make the map slightly less crowded. race-deathmetaldragextreme.rar
New map, it's called Oh_noes VII, and it's a desert chase map with the hunter bot. race-oh_noesVII.zip
For Binslayer: an updated version of Oh_noes VI. I took away the last three checkpoints, I upped the game speed, lowered the gravity and added god mode. Oh_noes VI V2.zip
Thanks for the advice, I've got an updated version of the map already. I've put a switch to the Infernus right near the start at the airport and set nitro's all round the map. I've made the weather one of the preset ones, and I edited the hunter script slightly so it's faster on the freeways. It is slightly erratic now in tight spots, but that's not what this map's about. I've also made another new map; Oh_noes VI. It's a slightly unique one, you'll probably like it. RUN_RUN_RUN_REBORN.zip Oh_noes VI.zip
New map, it's called RUN_RUN_RUN_REBORN and well.. it's a tribute to the classic RUN_RUN_RUN maps. Whatever happened to those maps anyways? + it uses the new hunter bot script RUN_RUN_RUN_REBORN.zip
New map, it's called Adrenaline Pill.. and well.. you'll see what it's like Adrenaline Pill.zip
Thanks for the advice bin I've made a map pack that has the fixed versions of my five Oh_noes maps. On Oh_noes I, I've fixed the RC heli checkpoints, and made the hydra checkpoints waay bigger. On Oh_noes IV, I made the checkpoints bigger. Oh Oh_noes II, III and V, I've added a vehicle mod to replace the infernus, I've also made the checkpoints size 5, and on Oh_noes V I took away the whole boat section at the end, ending it just after the vortex. About the music, I've changed the music for Oh_noes III because it was waaay too compressed and it sounded like it was playing underwater. I like the music in my maps though, it makes the maps unique. My next map won't have a metal song though, let's say that much. Oh_noes map pack.zip
Updated version of Oh_noes V, it has a whole new section that takes up the majority of the map. Oh_noes V.zip
Hey ya'll, I made another map, this time a boat map, enjoy. Oh_noes V.zip
Sorry for the flood of posts, but I've made another new map. It's a country cruise with a Walton and a Buffalo Oh_noes IV.zip
Fixed version of my new map here: It has some small checkpoints at the start so the hunters can't race, + vehicle weapons are enabled Also Binslayer, if you can please check to make sure I've properly set the vehicle weapons to work Oh_noes III V2.zip
Another new map, it's a cross country hunter chase map, enjoy Oh_noes III.zip
New map, it's an infernus race round Los Santosm enjoy Oh_noes II.zip
Made a V2 version without the mountain bike, and made the checkpoints less dangerous. The whole map should take about 3 minutes to finish now. Oh_noes I V2.zip
Another map, a 4 minute bicycle jumping map with a plane section at the end. EDIT: fixed version attatched Oh_noes I.zip