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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by This_Name_Is_Taken

  1. Ye I usually let go of the gas unless the curve is non existent. Maybe I should just try turnin without pressing anything else.
  2. So I give in. I want to know your infernus secrets. Whenever drive an infernus it barely turns while everyone seems to take sharp corners very smoothly. If I use the normal brakes it barely turns, if I don't brake it barely turns, if I use a handbraek then I almost have to come to a complete stop to turn. Am I just missing the secret ingredient here or does it come down to some technical aspect (e.g. FPS)?
  3. Thank god, was scared for a moment.
  4. So today morning I joined the server only to find that I was logged out. When I tried to log in I was told that either my name or my password is incorrect. I checked it twice and I have even requested a new password but same result. I have noticed how my name is too long so it slips to the next textbox so to say. Could it be that the client gets confused by it?
  5. Aw that sucks. Well I guess gotta use youtube then as a workaround.
  6. Yea I turned down the volume as well but it still does it. I guess it might be just some unfixable bug related to the client itself.
  7. Hey y'all. So everytime there is a map with custom music I can only listen to the in-game radio if the music is toggled off. However once I toggle it off and I listen to the in-game radio the it turns off after a few seconds. Is this server related, client related or what? Any help is appreciated.
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