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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by FOTL.Emanuel

  1. Gonna try it ;D
  2. Another Funtastic Voyage? OMG I can't keep up
  3. Good Luck
  4. Thank you, your maps are very cool as well. Hm just edit the main topic > full editor > edit title.
  5. Even better now Good job
  6. Nice maps, they're hard...just as I like 'em D:
  7. You don't fall in the water for no reason, the map says "PROS HERE" just go tru the tunnel and you will reach the outside without any problems. This kind of maps is good to have clean races after the start, it avoids clusterfucks i must say. Anyway...you only fail the first time you play it, after that first try you won't fail again.
  8. Nice maps, you have a lot of imagination dude Nice map introduction as well xD
  9. What the hell? I edited that post yesterday -.-'' had it by 1,2,3..something must have gone wrong because only 1 is showing lol. Bah You had a "boolean" error wich means there was something wrong with a "true" or "false" value in your map i think. Did you set any trues or falses? Anyway its fixed lol
  10. Thank you all for your support
  11. Well even not being a part of the map its funny xD. Good map Well i see that you are new in adding custom music, you have to add a folder to called files and put the music.mp3 file there. In the music.lua you say the music.mp3 is in the folder /files but there was no files folder at all lol. Also dont use spaces in maps names. You can use spaces and etc on the META of your map but not on the file name. You also need to add <file src="files/music.mp3" /> <script src="music.lua" type="client" /> to your meta.xml file. For more info visit this page: http://forums.left4green.com/topic/5332-map-scripts/ Check it out how you should do it next time I fixed it for you, I saved Bin some work. race-ridersonthestorm.zip
  12. 1 - Happens to me to, In some of my maps I had to create the cps from scratch for like 3/4 times -.-'' 2-
  13. Server: MTA SA Age: 22 Country: Portugal Ingame Nick: [FOTL]Emanuel Hi, my name is Emanuel Sousa and I'm from Lisbon, Portugal. I'm 22 years old and I'm studying "Cinema, Video and Multimedia Communication", in other words...Image Editing, Website Design, Internet Programming languages, Video Editing etc. Now...what do I like? Well Computers of course, Football (Yes Football the real one - Cristiano Ronaldo :DD), going out at night with my friends and most of all my dear Wife <3. I started to play MTA since its very beginning on MTA Race...5 years or so have passed and I still enjoy the game as much as I did in the first day (probably even more). During these years I played in about 3 servers with 2 different game mods: Race, RFH/DD/DM. I used to be a frequent player on LittleWhitey's and most recently on the DDC servers. Shortly after the New MTA SA came out I checked the servers list and found 1 well populated "Race" server - "Mr.Green". At that time I was still a lot into DM and etc but went to a race server to play a bit...well since that day I'm a Race Maniac once again. I still remember my first race on MrGreen's - "City Jumper". Regarding my in-game personality, well, I guess I can say that I'm nice guy, I'm active in the shoutbox, usually say "Hello", "bb" etc...and, as far as I know, nobody has a problem with me, and neither do I. I'm applying for Admin because I believe I have what it takes to be one. I'm active in the game, know the server rules, I'm aware of the ways there are to cheat( for example: There's the ordinary speedhacking that everybody can notice easily, there's airbreaking and then there are the smart cheaters that slightly raise their speed hoping the other players can't spot it...), I use the IRC channels and am active there aswell (even when I'm not playing, IRC is on and I check it regularly during the day). If I become an admin I will try to be as fair and honest as I can when it comes to hard decisions. I speak 3 different languages: English/Portuguese/Spanish and I also understand a bit of both Italian and French. I think the MTA server needs more admins for the morning/late night period and I'm active at that time of the day. I have been an Admin at the DDC servers (my clan is from there) and I'm familiar with the main basic rules of "taking care of a server". (I'm also aware that I must leave my clan if manage to be accepted and have no problem with that). My ingame Ping is about 45-90(day/night), my internet connection is a 100MB optic fiber line and i usually run 35fps the whole time. I have some knowledge about "Map creation" and basic MTA errors so I can also give some support if needed/requested. Well I belive that's all I can say about me for now, if you want to know something else just let me know and will try to answer. Emanuel Sousa
  14. Here's the sequel to the first Dragon Ball map i made some weeks ago. This time Songoku takes a break from his training at the mountains and visits Master Roshi on his home isle. "Songoku visits Master Roshi" Checkpoints: 16 Vehicles Used: - Dodo - Custom Songoku Magic Cloud (game speed x2) Running Time: ~1.5m-2.5m Themed Music?: Yes - "Dragon Ball Theme" Screens: 1 2 race-songokuvisitmasterroshi.zip
  15. Nice map, did a 1:38 in the second try I used play maps with harvester slides on my clan server, love it Good job on bringing that to race mod
  16. Map isnt working for me :X
  17. I like these maps if they aren't stupid, endurance rulles once in a while Looking forward to play this
  18. Nice map
  19. Voted No...nothing will change my mind Its ok as it is now...GM only on needed maps...
  20. Looking forward to play it. Can you provide some screenshots?
  21. Will do it naoow Fixed v1.1.0 race-crazyjumper.zip
  22. Hi, this new map is an Olympic Jump style map, it takes about 20-25 seconds to reach the goal. "Crazy Jumper" Checkpoints:1 Vehicles Used: - Infernus Running Time: ~30s Themed Music?: No Screens: 1 2 race-crazyjumper.zip
  23. Looking forward to play them
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