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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by FOTL.Emanuel

  1. "Back to Past" So you are having a blast at vinewood. Maddog is there as well and all the movie stars from San Andreas got together for a party, after it ends you go back your limousine. Just before you stands a graveyard...all of a sudden you start imagining how it would be to really be in egypt or even find some good old pirates like you usually watch on tv/cinema. Map uses teleporting and has been gm'ed as request for teleport maps. Checkpoints:52 Difficulty: Easy Vehicles Used: - Stretcher - Infernus - Sultan - Reefer/Squalo Running Time: ~2-3m / Themed Music?: Yes - "The Mummy - Himonthep song" Screenshots: race-backtopast.zip
  2. Very nice map Jairo
  3. Finally somebody decided to do a tutorial with voice! Thanks sweeetie!
  4. Thats cool ywa, everything you can do will be cool since it will be different for us and will bring a lot of good memories Can't wait
  5. Now go add a custom road xd
  6. Dude you are my hero lol, i've tried countless times to make the rcg work for me but i cant even do 1 loop ;/ I have done over 20 maps but still can't use it lol.
  7. looks fun In this kind of maps i prefer to have close spawns tho.
  8. I had so much work placing 236 checkpoints (twice cuz editor screwed them once)... -.-''
  9. Map with all kinds of RCs. "Super RC Race" Checkpoints:236 Difficulty: Easy-Medium Vehicles Used: - All RC's - Berkleys RC Van Running Time: ~5-6m / Themed Music?: Yes - "RollerCoaster 2 Theme Song" Screenshots: PS: My stuntplane updated version was not uploaded yet race-superrcrace.zip
  10. Lol that introduction was funny, ur really creative =O Looking forward to play ur new maps
  11. Oh bin you are so sweet *.* Nice script...(i'm having an idea)
  12. Nice
  13. looks nice
  14. FOTL.Emanuel


    Yeah those ufos were a mess lol, other than that nice map.
  15. Meh the skin was awesome :X http://www.gta-worldmods.de/phpkit/start/include.php?path=content/download.php&contentid=3374 Thanks ----------- Update to the stunt plane race: - weapons on - hunter/sparrow pickup respawn time lowered to 30000ms race-redbullsfstrace.zip
  16. I do care Always have fun reading it xD Good job, looking forward to play them.
  17. FOTL.Emanuel


    Nice, looking forward to play it
  18. Yea the smoke decreases performance lol. Did the skin work?
  19. BinSlayer or SDK so they could script in MTA for me all day long
  20. lol im on my cellphone this takes some time to load. Yes we already have 'restricted' but it wasnt in this topic so i posted it there if anybody wants to try it lol. I also did it because i changed the main topic so it contains a list of all the maps. SDK asked me for a stuntplane map yesterday so i did that one. the race itself is called 'redbull...' because the SP has a skin of that brand...problem is...its not working on my computer, i dont know why cuz i already double checked both lua and meta files and everything looks ok. i hope it works in the server lol (same thing happened with the model i used in the '...guetto stage' map). Maybe you can fix it if it doesnt work...
  21. StuntPlane map with a custom skin. "RedBull SF Stunt Race" Checkpoints:50 Difficulty: Medium Vehicles Used: - StuntPlane - Custom RedBull Skin Running Time: ~4m.30 / 7m time limit Themed Music?: No Screenshots: race-redbullsfstrace.zip
  22. Thanks Bin. ---------------- Main topic updated: - All maps displayed for an easy browsing trough them - Link for the "Restricted" map race-restricted.zip
  23. Maybe it isnt fun for everybody but some people acutally like hydra maps, not everybody does but it has always been like that. I must say that i don't like hydra maps that much but i'm trying to do different kinds of maps to please everybody lol. Anyway i fixed the hydra map a bit: - Bigger CP's - Some cp's were moved to easier spots - New Custom textute (the other was reported to have some issues) - New time limit (7 minutes) altough it can be done in around 3 minutes and smthin. race-337hydra.zip
  24. I placed it there because i knew it would be size 25... What the hell... all the checkpoint sizes got to 2 :S i didnt do that, only changed a few of them to fit the difficulty. Well the .dff isnt changed so i really dont get what the problem with that can be. Gonna make a few fixes to the hydra map. Btw checkpoints are supposed to be in weird positions thats the fun about hydra maps lol, its supposed to be hard. Will change the size of the cps tho. Will also add a custom timelimit to the map, forgot to do that.
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