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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by FOTL.Emanuel

  1. Much better without Ghost Mode
  2. I'm still playing single player lol. Just finished the "shoot the missile" mission
  3. Hydra map with a custom model and song. "1337 Hydra" Checkpoints:30 Difficulty: Hard Vehicles Used: - Hydra - Custom Skin Running Time: ~4m.30.5m Themed Music?: Yes - "USA AirForce theme" Screenshots: Small map with a Phoenix around the mountains. "Country Phoenix" Checkpoints:30 Difficulty: Easy Vehicles Used: - Phoenix Running Time: ~2.3 - 3m Themed Music?: No Screenshots: race-337hydra.zip race-1countryphoenix.zip
  4. lool the song has T-Pain also. Those guys are called The Lonely Island and its mainly comedy singing and that kind of stuff You should check out their main hit (93million views) "Jizz in my pants) xD
  5. Nice map
  6. Good map (its the first time i say this about a Hydra map)
  7. Lol the name makes me wanna play it
  8. Here's version 1.2 of "BOATing around" - Bike changed to Sanchez - Bigger CP's - New Moving objects - Repairs - Boat changed from dinghy to squalo - New Jumping object at the start with markers PS: Somehow the billboards thing got fucked up but i dont really care at this point, if it works good if not whatever, it will work on the next one lol. race-boatingaround.zip
  9. I'm getting the game tomorrow or so Can't wait *.*
  10. The music is awesome
  11. I think i only started in that position once and i fucked up the start lol.
  12. Not crash but make the fps go above the limit.
  13. Yeah OCing your cpu and then playing MTA is not a good idea, you are not the first one having this problem, if you did indeed oc it.
  14. Map with a dinghy and a BMX (bike only used for a few cps), 1.5 gamespeed. The map has some moving objects that affect your race progress. "BOATing around" Checkpoints:47 / GameSpeed 1.5 Difficulty: Medium Vehicles Used: - Mountain Bike - Custom KONA skin - Dinghy - Custom Skin Running Time: ~4m.30.5m Themed Music?: Yes - "I'm on a Boat" Screenshots: race-boatingaround.zip
  15. Nice thing Oo
  16. Nice map...
  17. You should try to contact him by IRC...
  18. 7/10 i guess, i don't really like that kind of music but i'm trying to give a fair rating.
  19. Yea we should xD...that was really funny and different from what we are used to lol
  20. Yea we tested it and since that car isn't an alpha object there was no gm at start and there was only 1 spawn! You may have to change it to some alpha thing or add more spawnpoints and make a different no gm start but i don't think that will be approved. Maybe scripters can make it be alpha i dont know lol. BTW: Being shot by a chicken pisses me off!
  21. I downloaded it successfully and already tested it lol. Nice map noes.
  22. Eli was playing for quite a while and then he got banned...i didnt notice him cheating but as bin said...wait for him to come here.
  23. Played it again yesterday, its cool but some of the discs ( 2 at least) are not well placed and your car flips :X
  24. Ahahah a chicken?... I deffntly gotta play this lmao.
  25. 5 it will be lol.
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