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Mr. Green Gaming


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  1. Main part of MTA:SA Race League has not ended yet and we are bringing you information about players tournament called Down The Road 2! This tournament is sequel of previous successfull Down The Road tournament, which was organised by FuZ. This event is planned for the week between main stage of MTA:SA Race League and National Cup, so you do not have to be worried about loosing any of your favourites events. You find registration link inside of this news, the best player is going to win! Registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/10ef15LG5WlkY-9OXba750AW7CcKmKNwSkLbBC997b7E/viewform Complete info about tournament: http://www.mta-league.net/race-cup-down-the-road-tournament-2/
  2. registrations gonna be closed at 30th of November 22:00
  3. That's right. Not only did I mean "no" , but I tried to explain to you why not.. I didn't think you needed to be told "NO" as if you were a pet. It only seems like you're trying to flame now. In fact i was waiting for some reaction. And because no one was comming, I was little angry. And I think you didnt understand me well. I didnt want to make tournament on your server, i never said something like that and i never wanted that. I just want from you to promote it. And what would it brings for you? I think better fame and good name (I hope) for server (question is if you need it) from top clans (in tournament are registred now FoX, eXo, SGA, O.o, AlW, SiK, EPG and SKC). Thats all
  4. It was so hard to say "yes" or "no" before?
  5. I dont know if i understand you well. You mean that 3 days is just short period of time for some decision?
  6. OMFG, learn to read, who was talking about using your public server?! I have my own servers, which I am paying. I just wanted to have mr.green as medial partner....
  7. I am just posting and invitiing clans to the tournament. And it wont be played on L4G servers...
  8. 3 days and no reply. I dont see any interesting. So i dont see any reason to wait - clans need to know about tournament, to have time for preparing
  9. If is there somebody, who wants to join, add me: on skype (honzik999) on xfire (fulerster) or send me PM here.
  10. okey, i take as "no"
  11. Hey guys, I am writing this post mainly beaucase of leadership of L4G server. Other players can comment it, but...main word has admins So, I am race leader of =FoX= clan, which racers are playing only on l4g server. I want to make christmas racing tournament (will be played around 25th to 31th December). It would be CLAN tournament, where some clans will be invited by me and clans who wants to participate too, but they wont get invitation, have to play and qualifite in qualification (eg. 16th - 20th December). Why I am writing here? I wanna to ask and deal some partnership between this tournament and L4G server. In fact, it could name Mr.Green Tournament or something like this. My vision of partnership is this - I ll take care about organisation and you would take care about medial side - that mean some news on this web and if it would be possible - on server too (eg some basic script which write 1 time per 5 minute some advert in chat). My question is simple - Would L4G server leadership deal with me to help with this tournament ?
  12. ok:))
  13. I am horny on my maps, when they ll be uploaded?
  14. Bike Roundrace - basic bike (pcg 600) race in Los Santos. You maybe know this map from single player. Formula 1 - Custom track, where you drive Formula. 3 lap race. Monter Bridge - Bridge between San Fierro and Desert is full of obstacles, go with Monster in the end Rhino in City - classic race in Los Santos with Rhino. !!!Allow vehicle weapons for this map!!! Skywalk - Custom track in sky, my 1st made by rcg Hydra Mega Race - i connected two famous Hydra races together - ChrMl hard and ChrMl easy! race-bikeroundrace.rar race-formula1.rar race-monsterbridge.rar race-rhinoincity.rar race-skywalk.rar skill-hydramegarace.rar
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