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Mr. Green Gaming


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Status Updates posted by Xula

  1. Inside the Server I changed my name. It used to be MR|Abaluba.
    Now it's MR|Xula

  2. It was 11:22 am in Portugal. And the server was like this. It feels so good to see the server like this. I MISS the old days ❤️image.png?ex=666ebcd9&is=666d6b59&hm=21389c85d3f2928272e17a6b7aacd8eac81d2905d33a37e0d98c9d22a44b0b44&

  3. So.... I stopped because I was a little "focused" in school, my teacher asked my class to do a job in Word with 60 Pages and this is my last period and I want to move to 12 years in school. So that's why I stopped because of it. So I decided to COME BACK

    Sincerely, Abaluba ❤

  4. Another player humble... H!TY
    Love u ❤️

  5. Just like old times ❤️


  6. Best admin goes to... Nick 026
    Thx ❤️

  7. I found a humble player :) 
    Thank you Ka4a.Ru ❤️

  8. I miss when the server had a lot of people, now when I enter at most there are about 6 people playing

  9. I miss playing on this MTA server. I didn't play for 3 years. I lost my account, I had to create another account ;-;

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