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Mr. Green Gaming


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  1. My MTA short clip. Was made just for lulz in modern pop (IRL gay ) style. DCIO MTA SA
  2. Because he dislikes all my scripts there. If i'll delete scripts it will be random boring and easy hydra map. But thats not problem. Like - then upload, dislike - then dont upload. To offer is my job. ) "Night attack" demo video
  3. Ok, lets play very interesting maps with 100+ checkpoints (8-15 minutes) and/or "garbage" constructions. There are strange dolphins, turtles and simply awful vehicles, no style, no interesting gameplay, no cameras, no scripts. Because its all "only made it worse". )) It's not competition and I need no "better luck next time". Your opinion: map is not good. My opinion: map is awesome. You are admin, so I will not play it on your server. Good luck.
  4. New map: "Night attack" Info: - Music from Mortal Kombat (battle with Reptile) - Fire Hydra - Good air defence system - Bombing the target - Camera effects race-nightattack.zip
  5. race-stopthefuture.zip version 2.0.0 Deleted: - All bugs Added: - More spawnpoints - Camera effects - Time travelling animation - Crashing vehicles - Happy dancing peds in 2011
  6. Ready (new start from land): race-stopthefuture.zip
  7. Archive 1. Revolution is coming 2. Space Chase 3. Just4Lulz ----- New map: "Stop the future" Info: - Theme from "The Terminator" - Background image - Motorcycle of the Future - Last day of civilization - Explosions - Teleportation - Drying river - Dying people - Time travel Download link: race-stopthefuture.zip
  8. Version 3.0.0 What's new? - New objects - Amphibia car mode window - Evil tank race-just4lulz.zip P.S. Now all my maps versions are final.
  9. Version 2.0.0 Whats new? 1) Start from star cruiser 2) Updated messages 3) More powerful bot race-spacechase.zip P.S. Pls, upload ver 2.0 of this map too (link)
  10. 1) Message in black rectangle 2) Random explosions near the player's vehicle (like in war)
  11. From "Revolution is coming 2.0" local rootElement = getRootElement() local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() local nexp = 100000 -- Number of explosions local nres = 100000 -- Number of vehicles respawns ----- Messages ----- function message () local missiontextone = "Reach the base to change your vehicle," local missiontexttwo = "then destroy the President's aircraft." dxDrawRectangle ( screenWidth/3.2, screenHeight - 90, screenWidth/2.7, 80, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 150 ) ) -- Create black background Rectangle dxDrawText ( missiontextone, 0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight - 50, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 1, "pricedown", "center", "bottom", false, false, false ) dxDrawText ( missiontexttwo, 0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight - 25, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 1, "pricedown", "center", "bottom", false, false, false ) -- Create text setTimer (remove, 10000, 1) -- Text showing for 10 sec end function remove () removeEventHandler("onClientRender", rootElement, message) end addEventHandler("onClientRender", rootElement, message) ----- Explosions ----- function explosions () local rnd = 20 -- Explosion range local pX, pY, pZ = getElementPosition ( getLocalPlayer () ) createExplosion ( math.random(pX - rnd, pX + rnd), math.random(pY - rnd, pY + rnd), pZ, 3, true, -1.0, true) end setTimer (explosions, 20000, nexp) -- Explosions interval 10 seconds ----- Vehicles ----- function createvehicles () local Tank = createVehicle ( 432, 2726.1, 2115.2, 7.3, 0, 0, 180 ) setElementVelocity(Tank, 0, -1, 0) end setTimer (createvehicles, 10000, nres) -- Vehicles respawns interval 10 seconds
  12. Version 2.0.0 Whats new? 1) Mission message 2) No "defence", only racers 3) New vehicles 4) Scripts of explosions and moving vehicles race-revolutioniscoming.zip
  13. At the request of players race-just4lulz.rar version 2.0.0 Deleted: - Striking aircrafts Added: - Nice music - Nice car - Amphibia mode - New checkpoints
  14. race-spacechase.rar - Nice music - Flying DeLorean - UFO-hunter - Good race
  15. race-revolutioniscoming.rar Notice: weapons must be enable for this map Hi, Comrades! I have a new misson for you. It's very important day. Today we'll make San Andreas a Communist State. You're a member of elite forces of Soviet Army, and you must get the airport and blow up the aircraft of the President of San Andreas State. Our enemy has good military aircrafts so you must be careful. Soviet Units: - G-5 class motor torpedo boat - Armored personnel carrier BTR-70 Defence Units: - Hunter - Hydra If you will reach the President's aircraft first, i'll make you a hero of Soviet Russia! ThisBadGuy, klukvamaker
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