Let me explain the situation and give my opinion about it: The tickrate and bunny hopping: Before, when the server was at a tickrate of "33", everything was smooth because CSS wasn't running the Orangebox engine yet. It was running the Source engine back in the days, that's why it's called Counter Strike: Source. However, it's not running this engine anymore. The current version of CSS has a bunny hop blocker which can be disabled/enabled with the variable sv_enablebunnyhopping <value>. The value is currently on, because otherwise you wouldn't be able to bunnyhop which is required on most surf maps. Now, the problem is that with the current state on the mr. green server you can't bunnyhop anymore even though the variable above is set to enabled. The problem lays by the fact that this variable is connected to the tickrate, just like normal bunny hopping. The lower the tickrate, the more difficult to bunny hop. The current settings fully neglect sv_enablebunnyhopping making it impossible to bunnyhop even though the server allows bunny hopping. This is a bug in the engine. The other side of the story, about sv_airaccelerate: The variable sv_airaccelerate has little to do with bunny hopping, but lots to do with the strafing (not particularly surfing). The explanation is simple: Whenever you are not on the ground, the variable mentioned above comes in place. The higher the value of this variable, the easier it is to "move" in air. For instance: if this variable is default, and you jump forward, then look behind you, you will land on the place you would land if you wouldn't have looked behind you. Short version: You will not move to the position you look. When the value of this variable is higher, let's say 150, you will move a little to where you look. 150 is JUST enough to be able to move in air which is necessary for strafing, which is indirectly needed to surf properly, or you will fall down the ramp. Go try create a server with CSS, not changing the sv_airaccelerate. You will definitely fall down the ramp. My conclusion/opinion: From the beginning I have always said the sv_airaccelerate was too low. It is 150, I am used to having it at 800 to prevent any railbugs (as you call it when you get stuck on the ramp). I have learned to play with it and accepted the value. The tickrate in it's current state is the most worse change ever done to any server I've ever seen. Not only does it prevent you from bunny hopping, it also prevents you from jumping from ramp to ramp as is necessary in the map surf_10x_reloaded. You will fall down instantly. However, there is a solution that will let us have a tickrate of 33. Set the sv_airaccelerate to 800 or higher. This will fix bunny hopping again, yet it does not cause the speed you refer to as "bad". Personally I like the speed because it looks much more pro when you see someone speeding over the ramp. But if tickrate 33 is really the way to stay, then please higher the sv_airaccelerate. The second part of the fix lays with the players. They have to change cl_cmdrate and cl_updaterate to 33. This way the server is in sync with the client. Otherwise the client would send send more data to the server then necessary (resulting in jump commands being dropped by the server). Final words: Change the tickrate back to where it was disregarding everyone saying it's "ok" in it's current state. We should at least make a poll (vote) about this!