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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Benox.exe

  1. Will fix the issues with the maps if the issues are told to me
  2. Yo, I'm done with mapping and our server just started to be another DM only server so I will leave all my new 3D maps here. Idk where to post them and binslayer is no longer here ;( So I basically returned to MTA mapping and made a bunch of complex maps. Then I stopped again to go into ROM hacking cause why not. I think green is a good place. They can be modified to make them smaller in MBs size or to fix stuff. They must be tested in a test server before going in a big public server, cause they were really poorly tested and they are scripts heavy. But hey the hard job is done ! I just hope I sent the last version :> Video Spoiler [RACE] Layered DeathStar [RACE] MobiusCity (Mobius Band) [RACE] Electric Outrun [DM OS] [RACE] Cassandra, Aciknovae, FusionSphere (convertion) and [BMX] LightTower Edit* Link is no longer admin only, so I will PM it to SDK
  3. Ok, hope the streamer will work correctly, but I see a thread on the main forum about a new streamer. For the curious : http://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtopic.php?f=167&t=54607&sid=d48e7a13226502e5155e9320b47c10dd
  4. Hey Guyz ! I Find a map called still water in my files and Im sure you will like it. Its an old map from wipeout pulse converted by Johnline and he said in the past that he would release it to the community, but years have passed and no news .. So I have it, but no servers have it, I guess. Better put this at a place where players can enjoy it Video : Map : In Attached File Wipe it a little with your wheels to clean that dust and now the map can accept some new toptimes. I think I'm in the wrong forum section. Moderators can move that thingy. MTA_WipeoutPulse_StillWater.zip
  5. Hey bin , maybe there is a corupted line in the .map file and the editor stop to read on that line ? If you separate the resources with scirpts and files from the .map and you load only the .map file ... all the Elements (objects , cars) are there ? If yes , start the objects resource and script in another resource and add checkpoints, if no then I guess the.map is corrupt. Hey Mr. Darkness , I know the hammer editor a little bit, I will love to make a portal 2 map. I like to make maps on all kinds of games with a view camera near the player. Hammer is a real editor , you start from scratch, you make blocks (basic modeling) you add materials, lights, animation, static mesh (complex modelling) Same things on other editors I try like : RED editor (red faction) FEAR world edit UDK3 level editor Alex bond Worms 3D map editor (poxels modeling lol) When I saw this I say , the MTA game engine is way toooooo old !add advanced scripting to track mania 2 and you get an HD MTA-like game
  6. :S Well, I want to make maps on other games. I'm boored of the game engine and I have other reasons. I will try to come back in MTA mapping, but its going to be very long.
  7. Ha ye , it is my last ! : (
  8. This is not race , but it can be , so I need to say to all : Do you want this shit to be a race map ? and it is my last MTA map , I'm sure of it ! But you never know ! So there is the video :
  9. So the best map ever for you is some checkpoints on the DEFAULT gta sa map with some objects , no script, nothing else ?, I loled hard. -Drawing -modelling -Making texture -Apply texture -pre lightening -Collision -scripting -place the map elements -you just did that ... good job Dude !- ... Digital desert is not the best map , it's just one original map that stands out thousands of maps without scripts located on the map of gta san andreas default. ---Warning off topic again--- LOL, yeah you are so right....... Look how default it is!!!!!! Thanks to rockstar for these objects and the car Good placing , but to make a city it will be better to use a good game engin. For me, MTA exclusive racing is this + scripts : fun factor + originality in MTA 1.1 you will have ''shader'' and you can apply a custom shader to a texture, example you can give an animation to a texture more example : http://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Shader_examples d'ont know how it work , but looks good.
  10. ---Warning off topic again--- So the best map ever for you is some checkpoints on the DEFAULT gta sa map with some objects , no script, nothing else ?, I loled hard. -Drawing -modelling -Making texture -Apply texture -pre lightening -Collision -scripting -place the map elements -you just did that ... good job Dude !- ... Digital desert is not the best map , it's just one original map that stands out thousands of maps without scripts located on the map of gta san andreas default. ---Warning off topic again---
  11. ---WARNING off topic--- I don't think humans have the right technology and creative knowledge to possibly make a better map than Digital Desert. OMGF ! Well, there is a shortcut in digital desert. xD ---WARNING off topic---
  12. D'ont have much free time with my job ... My map will spawn I d'ont know when after the contest , my good news is I find a solution for the download time, because it will be very BIG How can I do better than digital desert ? (objects with a grid (perfect placing) , maybe)
  13. The big problem for me is the clouds and all the time I try to disabled them in many ways, it d'ont work, so if you see cloud in my map d'ont blame me.
  14. I will like to play Never The Same map xD Well , I hope you will get a new idea soon, bin. Just think all the things you can script.
  15. I will try to finish my next map for this. I like your american mcgee alice avatar BlueYoshi97 xD
  16. and what's about enb serie This hack the graphic better than ultra thing and you can use it in many other games. enb series adds what we may call, Graphics next gen like -Bloom = glow -occlusion -blur -depth of field (DOF) -reflection ... warning it will affect the hud. ENB SERIE with bump reflection (test2) on objects (not perfect , because they d'ont use a normal map , they are automatic) download : http://enbdev.com/enbseries_gtasa_v0075c2.zip This is a real bump map : http://www.ozone3d.net/tutorials/images/bump_mapping/torus_bump_mapping_01_w580.jpg This is the main web site : http://enbdev.com/download_en.htm d3dx9_26.dll d3dx9_40.dll - reqired to run ENBSeries. This libraries actually from DirectX9, but not available on some users PCs, thanks to Bill Gates. Configuration is needed I will post mine later
  17. Make your own map with these objects, I am for this, because I dont like to just place objects in a map and there will be alot of maps like that if mapper want to make a track mania serie Be original xD. Make sure the resource new-objects1 need to stay in the server resource folder otherwise , players download the objects again. Arrows are not in the resource new-objects1, because the animation is bad made, you can make your own , just replace a gta sa texture on a billboard.
  18. Thanks bin. The big problem is the time it take to make a map like this one. Placing objects take times and some of them dont fit perfectly with the other. Solution : Change object scale in game ( you can, but the collision of the object still the same :/ ) Massive objects cloning ( could be the best one, normally a game editor have this, 3ds max have it also xD ) So you can make 2 objects together, after clone them and now you have 4 , clone them , now you have 8 : ) Bin , you can script a massive object cloning ?
  19. Cant know what do you want , I will like to talk on msn. Also the unfreeze timer work ? If yes theres no problem , maybe you prefere to have it clientside , because the people with hight ping will take more time in the teleport, thats the problem ? I dont know how to make it clientside. :/ And yes mappers of mr. green can use the objects , thats will be nice, but I dont want to release it , the reason is if noobs change it and upload it after, so how to proceed to give it only in this community ?
  20. :/ When u go in the portal, nothing happen or u just get stuck in the air and your car remains frozen ? The teleports dont work. Strange, it works fine in AG, all of them dont work ? You can look in the script if you want to see the mistake. I am a very bad scripter. The music in the video is not the same as in the map. Also the music speed change in slowmotion and thats fun.
  21. ops ! This is the map xD Digital Desert.rar
  22. Hi everybody, this is my new race map, with this map I test the possibilities of my track mania objects 1.0 Also ,for the first time I use interesting scripts like the car velocity and portals scripts. I try to keep a good quality on my textures and objects polys, but the size need to be smaller. I success, the map is 6.65 MB For this : spawnpoints of the map need to be tested first of all, because there is 4 early with a portal and 3 portal need to be tested, but im sure they work. In the rar files there is the map resource and also the objects resource, put the objects resource in the resource folder of the server , because if the objects are used again in another map , you will download it only 1 time. Enjoy !
  23. Of course you can help me, but you arent connected in msn ... Well I have still water but I need to wait for the real release, I hope he will keep the texture like that they are ok, if he make them smaller they will look like hugly.
  24. News Still water Next great custom 3D map is coming to Mr. green when Johnline will say YES !
  25. Roller Coaster series Simple roller coaster map idea. Track Mania Nation Music You drive an infernus in all they are all difficulty : Medium include resource voice (my little voice pack) 1) Roller coaster 1 pictures : 2) Roller coaster 2 pictures : I need help to fix a script in the roller coaster 3 map , so I cant upload it now ! race-racesroalercoaster1.zip race-racesroalercoaster2.zip
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