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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Kikkers

  1. I wonder if this is possible:

    If you claim just the border of your area, and build a wall on the border, doesn't that effectively make the inner area yours?

    Your faction will be the only faction able to go through the wall, and will thus have control over both the border and the area within.

    This assumes the wall extends below ground so no one can use caves (or mineshafts) to bypass the wall.

  2. finally finished reading ^^ !Question! Will the maximum building height be increased in general or only through mods now `?

    it wont be. for now

    Notch did mention that the height limit will be easily changeable, but he didn't make it the default (for stability reasons).

  3. Well if you clone an array of arrays, you get a new array that still has references to the same arrays. So basically you'll have to write your own function to copy all the sub-arrays too.

    I might be wrong, but it could be that you also need to clone each separate string object (because they are not primitive datatypes).

    In that case, Clavus' code would only make copies of the arrays themselves, but the strings would still be the same.

  4. 1. make a class to contain your values

    2. let that class implement the Comparable interface

    3. implement the compareTo() method with your custom sorting

    Now, by implementing Comparable, you can use some extra collection features such as this sort method for lists (that includes ArrayList) or )"]this one for simple arrays

    There are more ways to do it, like comparators, but they are functionally similar (and not any easier anyway). You should avoid writing your own sorting methods, as the java collection framework is already optimized.

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