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Mr. Green Gaming


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  1. Excuse my language but, No shit sherlock. That's what I've been saying the whole time. We first friggin test it before putting it trough. You know what, Fuck it. i don't even want to work on a server with this kind of a community.. Fuck you all, Screw you Devulas for fucking green over. And fuck you Hundred2 jij vuile kanker NSB'er Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas.
  2. As I said before, in my opinion, you'd better have a helluva' good understanding of Lua and GMod Lua before something you edit goes Live, and I assume Ywa will think the same... (same for Clavus); EDIT: ..also someone to check the modifications for malicious code before going Live; Of course, but we can balance the game a lot for now by just editing values like health and damage. That is not too hard. Good luck bypassing my health/damage scaling system ... EDIT: As I said before, things aren't that easy as you think they are. First you have to parse all the code and understand how it works and then start to modify.. Takes time. I know. Otherwise i wouldn't have asked you to send me the code.
  3. Guys, Your suggestions and all are very good, But i can't do jack shit until someone sends me the script, Witch they wont do.
  4. I was just on the server, I had a shotgun as one of the last humans. I had 100HP, and a zombine runs at me. Well everyone knows they have so much fucking HP and armor. You don't even bother to shoot them. Because it roughly takes 20 shots with a shotgun to the head before a zombine dies. So the zombine grabs a grenade and blows. Long story short. Because of one zombine and his grenade + magic fucking poison. I went from 100 to ~30HP. How is gods name does anyone call this balanced? Oh yeah, Then this "High damage dealing/teleporting/invincible zombie" comes and kills me. And then this, Me and Jeremiah both have pretty powerful computers, And with around 15 people on the server, We both get "randomly" chosen as zombie.... 3 times in a row...
  5. Thank you, I will review everyone's input and idea's ect. and based on that i will do my best to make a good balance. IF offcourse they are willing to send the script....
  6. "Do it yourself then" Okey i will, And now you're all like "What he thinks should be balanced" THATS WHY I SAID "We'll run it on the server for a day to see if people like it." Put some fucking text on the server like "Testing a new script for 24 hours, Will revert back to the old one when it ends" or something. Whats to lose.
  7. Send everything i need to [email protected], I'll make a better version, Someone uploads it to the server. We use it for a day and see if people like it.
  8. "plans" AKA its not going to happen.
  9. Hey all, I´ve been playing ZS longer then most of you, I played when SP still had a cracked server for example. Most of you wont even know what the heck i´m talking about. Anyway Here´s some things that would improve gameplay. First of all the beginner zombie´s health is chosen on the ammount of human, What happands is, I join the server, and ive got a pretty fast computer so i´m in the game with maybe 4 or 5 players who also have a fast computer, Based on those 4 or 5 players the server chooses 2 zombies and gives them health. After that the rest of the players join. Basicly players with fast computers are chosen zombie most of the time, And then have like only 300HP with 15 people on the server. This is rather annoying. Most of the time i walk up to a human who can even kill me with 3 or 4 shots... It seems like the human weapons are also overpowered. Second of all i think the blast radius of the posion headcrab bombs should be way smaller or even removed since they are rather impossible to survive. And third, Please lower the HP of the Zombine becouse even tough it only has 230HP or something, It takes arround 10 plus headshots for a zombine to die and their also faster then humans and even have grenades... Basicly its impossible to shoot one. Then the.... Teleporting invincible zombie, I mean. WTF The fact that you can´t see him is bad enough. Now it can also teleport... This is just way way way to hard. Regards, Djessey Mensink The Netherlands.
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