ooh sorry hundred Well lads some people may remember me from these names. [CC] SKA B.W E.U Mr. Damien I missed you alot! Ah Hundred I remember that and yes it was nooby Please Forgive me. I. Ladies and Gents was one of the oldies who was with zs from the start. I learnt all the secrets to prop killing and prop floating from all my buddies aiur,deluvas,sneed. Bean taught me the best way to kill people with props and the best tactics. Can you still prop kill? I knew Bean,Deluvas,Sneed,Frog and aiur if i missed anyone out its been a long time. But yes Chainsaw man i missed you as well. I`m glad that you have decided to come back as well. I might try and find all the old zs pros and bring them back to rein terror on zs. But anyway I have changed alot!. More mature and i have grown up I realise my past acts were very silly and stupid. I hope to see everyone on the servers very soon. If anyone could tell me how zs has changed ups and downs would be appreciated