I saw admin darkstar abuse his admincy , is it a reason to de-admin or not? "[ADMIN] Admin Darkstar gave player Darkstar weapon named: weapon_zs_melee_katana ! [Global Purple Babe] Darkstar: hurrrrrrr"
Nielscorn very nice map but instead of some red lights/no lights at all you should make flickering lights.It will give some element of horror as you run past hall and being chased by zombies then suddenly light goes off and you wreck into wall waiting to be eaten alive.Don't overuse it or it will look like crap.Ofcourse its your map i just propose ideas
Train was going to be fixed but today skype screwed up my pc so i have to reinstall everything i had including steam games / vmfs and other stuff,so no to steam for atleast a day :/
This is my map for zs,it's my 5th map in general and 1st made for zs so if you have any advice or consturctive criticism write it here.All things that may seem strange will get fixed soon.(Like random lolwut train) EDIT:Some places had strange light because i had flashlight on
Only bad thing is that you can get on top of near spawn house using lamp prop and get inbetween gears from ladder,gears is the only spot that can't be reached using fast zombie,but you can still get killed by poison crabs(if you're not medic)
While playing we found a speedhacker who claimed that he uploaded virus to server,here is his id + demo(un-edited) 2734 "slipstro" STEAM_0:0:29204140 56:47 184 0 active# http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?1xy01tiuchrgd59 link to demo EDIT:You can't see his name because of stupid 'Pre-loading scren' thats blurred out and blocking view