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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by H!J@CK

  1. http://www.speedtest.net/result/6096067638.png
  2. the camera view for hydra and maybe more planes is different + progress bar showing wrong total distance (can appear after adding/removing recources with refresh/-all), a restart fix that
  3. On a old server called PhrozenByte where i was admin in 2007/08 they used a special proceed against cheaters (i called it silent ban). They were not kick-banned directly from the server. They were frozen automatically and if they killed themselves they got frozen again and again.. (was more frustrating for them) In background their IP got banned to prevent them of joining the server later. What i want to say with that is that you could give moderators a second possibility to proceed against the 'very bad boys' with that auto-freeze for some time (in gm for sure). A single kill or 2 is not enough in some situations.
  4. from home: 64/5 Mbit/s up to 200/10 is available here my rented server: 1 Gbit/s
  5. Exchange the current version with this. The map has been moved over water to prevent falling from the stadion and finish the map faster on airport. Race time unfixed: approx 1:20 Race time fixed: approx 2:25 race-3lapdirtring.zip
  6. I could not reproduce this today as well. It happened in the first mta 1.3.4 versions months ago. So it's been fixed some time ago.
  7. Racepickups are losing their effect if the id is missing or the same id name is used several times (worked with copy) among nitro/repair/vehiclechange. Its annoying that the map_editor tolerates this. Funniest thing is that it leaves unnecessary variables like rotx,y,z with sometimes random values and vehicle"522" in nitro/repair.
  8. My suggestion is to set the 'Classic change Z' to false in the Race server. You can find this setting in the last lines of the 'race settings'. Pros: - no moving up when changing vehicles - no delay Cons: - vehicles can stuck in slopesramps I think that in 5% of the maps will occure problems. In this case you can reverse this setting by adding this to the meta.xml of the map which is affected. <settings> ... <setting name="#classicchangez" value="true" /> ... </settings> You can create a script to adding this with a simple cmd. Also bring a chat-notifcation when a map is using this setting like for gm. Notice: Classic vehicle change z is turned on for this mapLast thing would be to create a topic for reports and a ingame-report.
  9. As requested by Hulpje some crossing map made by MSD which provides total chaos. race-rmegadeath.zip
  10. I never had sobeit or anything else on my pc. So why the anti-cheat script banned me? How was it able to find something, that doesn't exist on my pc? As SDK already said the ban was bugged. And yes, i could give you an advice if you mean this.
  11. I hope this helps me to demonstrate my skills and the proof that i dont need/use any kind of cheats/hacks.
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