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Mr. Green Gaming


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  1. I am running drift mode server, with 10+ custom cars,and importing still new ones! Making it look like in the movie tokyo drift, all the cars from the movie, + handling.cfg on server with link + tutorial how to backup original nadling adn use this drift hadnling.cfg while in that server. I use more .map files , start.map is first and that is garage where player spawns and 2 cars in it, also teleport point, so when he wants to get out, it teleports him to mountain where there is a lot of cars, and he can drift downhil with them. Also created teleport points, 4 diffirent garages, one just like in the movise, with cars, adn everything so he can drift through 4 floors. Also using modshop in ever garage where players can upgrade their vehicles for money. using also drift script which generates drift points while player is drifting. Planing to make race script for drifters (2 points one on the top of garage, and second on the very end of it, + timelimit he has to amke it in that time or he looses, and player with more drift points wins the race)+ making bet system and pinkslips system so they can race for cash or cars. other .map files are for vehicle spawn points, and other drift tracks. hmm well, i ll first have to learn lua much more, and than i ll make it all XD. Well that is pretty much i want to start with. Thanks for your help
  2. 1. Well I do not know is it possible or not to add this mod to your server since it made for gta sa not for mta. I see the addon has modified txt, so perhaps you can use it, but as I know vehlight do not have id. Edit: San Andreas\data\maps\veh_mods\veh_mods.ide All veh addon has id, but lights not. 2. It is not difficult. Check this site and this. 3. You are right. It is not possible yet, but it will be in 1.1. The only way I know to mod handling is Plod's script. Check this topic! You can download the script form here. Awesome, thanks for fast answers, This handling script doesn't use the same format of handling, so i will wait for version 1.1. song script,I managed to make it work But it plays music on really short distance, here is code: its from wiki, i use the same, now the syntax is: so is it possible to attach sound to some element example radio, or car, and what happens if possible what happens if car moves, does the sound moves with it, i had in mind something like this: where (vehicle id=...) represents element, sounds/song1.mp3 represents sound, int =int, and 50 represents distance. I know probably this is imposible how i described it, but could you just tell me where am i making mistakes ? i am sorry for so many questions, i can't do anything with lua :/, but am willing to learn, i only can program a lil bit in c++ and that's it :/ ( i did copy folder sounds in my gamemod zip, and song1.mp3 in it, put in meta.xml following: and song1.lua next to the meta.xml adn other files...)
  3. 6/10
  4. Thanks mate, awesome post, though, i have some questions, hope you ll have soon some time to answer. 1.I cant find id of vehiclelights128.I need it so i can add HQLMv2 mod into my server (high quality lights mod v2). 2.Do you know how to add song, so it only plays on certain places like 10 meters around spawn point, or just first 30 secs, when players logs in ? 3. Is it possible to add handling lines for custom vehicles i added to server, or is it possible to add whole handling.cfg so to players that connect to the server, that handling overwrites their own while in the server ? I heard that it's not yet possible, but they said they ll implement it in 1.1 version, just want to make it sure.
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