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Mr. Green Gaming


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  1. New map by me: http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=129312
  2. This map is updated: get the version here http://filesmelt.com/dl/zs_subterranean_v1.zip
  3. This map is updated with a version that is much less of an fps rape: find it: http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=125380 download it. Upload to server.
  4. You should call it zs_mental_institute (too many 'hospital' maps), just makes it sound different. Also those broken windows might look better if you used a broken glass texture. The breaks look a bit too clean for glass. Nice though, I want to be able to hear some mental screams and moans (and mental people having sex)
  5. Yes I'm pretty sure it is, but I'll check again today. I don't think any of my maps have made it onto your server, or 'map pack' yet so hopefully this one will =) All the stuff is packed correctly but the walls of the caves are way too bright, I think i forgot to use the other version of the texture. FIXED: 2nd beta here http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=125242
  6. Released another map, this time it's underground. Episode Two stuff included. It has lot's of ways that zombies can get to humans and should be a nicely balanced map, just needs playing. This is my first map with displacement tunnels, so don't be giving me a hard time if there's any tiny gaps or whatever. http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=125236
  7. so what should I have? Nodraw?
  8. yeh all the stuff is in there, people without the episode can see it.
  9. Hi, released a small zombie survival map recently. http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=124780
  10. The 2nd and final beta of zs_quarantine_compromised, with the name changed. All it needs is to be played. http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=123704
  11. Hi there, just thought I'd post here since I made a thread about a month ago about a HL2 style map WIP. I took a break for that month and I've finished the beta of this map. Here is the download link: http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=123656 I'm not sure how successful it would be on your zs server because in my experience big indoor/underground maps are good on yours. Take a look anyway, see if you like what you see.
  12. I hope you made roof atleast using nodraw? Thats required to start with nodraws. Also it gets easy to make them textured. They align perfectly. No I didn't, why is it required? Also some updates.
  13. I texture my maps as I make them. I don't make everything nodraw, I just can't work like that.
  14. Dw Mr. Darkness I'm pro at 3D skyboxes now =) I might also have stuff after the bridge as well, but probably not as i have to do the interiors for all these buildings first and areaportals and shit Well. I hope you remember that you should make all the objects in the 3d skybox func_detail? Its important to optimise your map, or else skybox might be laggy a bit. Yeh I know that, but to date I haven't wanted to use a any brush based skybox stuff. I most likely will in this one. Wait what. You mean you wont do a road in (and into) 3d skybox? I'm not sure yet, the road that goes under the bridge will probably be blocked of or something. I may even make the bridge collapsed with some traffic fallen off it.
  15. Dw Mr. Darkness I'm pro at 3D skyboxes now =) I might also have stuff after the bridge as well, but probably not as i have to do the interiors for all these buildings first and areaportals and shit Well. I hope you remember that you should make all the objects in the 3d skybox func_detail? Its important to optimise your map, or else skybox might be laggy a bit. Yeh I know that, but to date I haven't wanted to use a any brush based skybox stuff. I most likely will in this one.
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