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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Ornom0n

  1. I had to rush my stronghold up so that I'd get it done today before heading to Lapland untill next wednesday for some hiking. It shouldn't affect the quality and even if it has, I'd wish to be judged like everyone else.

    The Iron Mine of Sakado

    This cave is actually nearly 100% replica of a dungeon in a campaign I held in Dungeons and Dragons. It is an abandoned Elven iron mine. Why was it abandoned? That's your task to find out!

    Location: x 406, z 597

    Creator: ornom0n


    The entrance to the mine.


    I wonder if this is where the spiders are?


    Vines have began to grow on the walls.


    Abandoned cafeteria with high tec sinks.


    A man of sane mind most have written that.


    An underground river flows through the lower part.


    Dwarves used to live in the mine too.


    A leaking water pipe has flooded the room.


    The mine may also contain a dark surprise.

  2. Seems like the game will feature pretty selective destruction. Oh well, I guess we shouldn't have gotten our hopes up too much back after those first amazing trailers. And from a technical perspective it's all very understandable.

    I thought this was pretty obvious in the first place.


  3. After days of calculating and testing Mungolians have finally created the ultimate machine. Some may call it Death itself, but we call it traditional Mungolian battle music.

    Witness DER MANNEN!

  4. I have no screenshot , but me and Hebulba have seen retardchiken speedhack two times now. Just a word of warning for you guys



    Retard is going on with reverse psychology. In the picture, retardchiken wants to be screencapped in a fake flyhack screenshot.

    I don't want to force a ban here, but I saw what I saw and I want to prove it.

  5. Just fought against a fly hacker called ShiftShaperSamy while raiding Halo's base. He had just logged here for the first time. Time to swing banhammer?2011-05-12_18.40_.12_.png

    On more brighter note, Hebulba has two penises


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