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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Coconut

  1. Coconut


    I have applied to join the admin staff for zps
  2. Its been sorted now, he was banned permantly will do that next time thanks.
  3. Steam id:STEAM_0:1:7432278 Evidence: Other: eat shit and die was speed hacking on the server, people who were there witnessed it, so please can you ban this guy thank you.
  4. Nice app
  5. Lol, i used to have 8400GS its sucked balls.
  6. Photoshop 0.0 your so lucky
  7. lol did you ever "give it back" ?
  8. Awsome fps, had to buy it unfortunately
  9. that is nice for the price.
  10. coconut passes liro
  11. Wow that's cheap but if you got Vista it would have added
  12. Yeah but at the time i was looking and prices were ridiculous, that was the only thing i could find wich was cheap, i had orderd the aurora from alienware but canceld it for them specs it was sh**, so this is the cheapest i could find maybe in the future ill start to upgrade it more.
  13. Yeah the Amd phenom ll x4 920 with a 8MB cache
  14. K it's on my first post now
  15. i have recently purchased a new rig, specs: 4GB ram DDR2 800Mhz ATI Radeon 4850 1GB ASUS Pro MotherBoard Amd phenom ll x4 920 with a 8MB cache Windows vista 64bit OS 500GB Hardrive Total
  16. garrysmod servers but i ran others aswell like css zombie panic ones etc
  17. will do ,and thanks for comment
  18. Gameserver:Mr. Green ZPS #1 Age:16 Country of origin:Untied Kingdom Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin:Hello, i think i am fit administrator because i have got lot of experience,i have ran 3 Garry mod server's at once, i am really good at the commands for administrator, i would NEVER ABUSE MY POWERS IN ANYWAY i would stop people exploiting,cheating and discrimination, i will be on most of the time to stop this, i am a dedicated player to ZPS i never ammo horde i always give to other people who need it, i don't mind being a zombie, not one of them people who just disconnect because he is the carrier. I'm always willing to give a helping hand to some one who is new to the game with a few pointers , peaceout..
  19. Coconut


    Okay thanks for the help its good to see some justice.
  20. Coconut


    Hello i was on zps server today to find some racist twat who kept spamming the word "nigger" screen shot: sorry but i dont have his steam id i dont know how )=
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