It should be pretty easy for a server administrator to tune the percentage of votes needed to a number suited for this type of gameplay. I'd say that what you experienced is the result of bad voting treshold and asshole co-players. The Co-players being unfair when voting, is only a problem 1 in 200 times when playing online in any game with a fair voting system. I'd like to imagine that it's mostly people on temaspeak or on a Local area network that team against online players in the way you described. About the AFK autokick, It's a great idea, but i don't know if the function is included in the standard MTA package. I have no idea how easy it would be to code and implement such a function, but i bet it would take far more time than fine-tuning a votekick system. The votekick system is probably just a couple of variables that needs to be tuned in some of MTA's core configurations.