his forum is for bans submits and ban appeals. Appeals can only be made by the banned player himself. How to create an unban topic (ban appeal/protest) First of all you can check your ban at our bans page if you're banned on a Source-engine server (MTA bans aren't on that list). You can read the reason and can see who banned you. If you're banned on a non-Source-engine server. Just create a topic and tell us why you've been possibly banned. Don't forget to put the following things in your ban appeal: 1. Your ingame name 2. Date of your ban 3. Who banned you (only if you know who) 4. Reason why you got banned (only if you know why) 5. Reason why we should unban you Feel free to reply on (un)ban topics. Only useful posts are welcome, others will be deleted. ! MrAlex 2 Today 31 Aug 2011 3 Carpileup 4 Not sure allthough I could give a ton of reasons why a 16 year old would randomly ban someone.. But maybe he can clarify if he pleases too. 5 I don't know depends on how much you appreciate the people who play on your servers regularly and never violate your rules. Yay love spending 2 hours of my time for random 16 yr olds who are admins