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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by niko3757

  1. well thats really unfortunate been around for 5 years anyhow. not even if i donate now?
  2. Hello my name is ∂³∑x² d³Σx and i've lost some items that i bought for green coins in the ZS store would it be possible to get it back? i have been dorment for the last 1 and a half year so much has happend
  3. u guys ar never at the server when this happends Tennis and Darkota is friends ofc he defends him omfg? dude look at the pictures hes saying stuff about my dead mom and i do not like that :/
  4. i almost didnt say anything ur punk
  5. maybe u did just that he says something about my mom i dont like that because shes dead! Did u ever lose ur mother?! u dont know how i feel
  6. Name: Dakota Scartissue Steamid: STEAM_0:1:37747585 Reason to i report this?? Just take a look at the pictures 1. picture i said 1 word then he voted to mute me take a look at the rest of the pic's and i said he could tell me to be quiet then i told him to mute me in the playerlist!!!
  7. wtf?? okay. now you hear I've been away for half a year so I log on i am just lvl 2 wtf? and you're talking about stats! eh fables you about hello? follow with apologies that I talk like this but I've been lvl 4 engi like I said, I have been hacked or something, I now start over?! You must then take the piss out of me I apologize for my language but still ... why do not you believe me? is it because of my stats? but if you do not believe me can you just leave it and I apologize for my bad english but I've still been lvl 4
  8. Remember to post your steam ID.SInce I know who you are, here it is STEAM_0:0:30402831 thank u ^^ since i own u soo many favors i would like too give you a BIG kiss !
  9. i was a lvl 4 Engi but i am a lvl 2 now wtf? did i get hacked or something? please help mah steam id STEAM_0:0:30402831
  10. ur iq must be under 20 u know what a message box is ?
  11. first of all 1. ur dumb u took the window from at the 2nd picture so they can't see what u wrotte to me 2. cade breaking / annoying / pissing me off / calling me names/ is aginst rules! 3. did u even read them? 4. Abusing Gag/mute Command / Aginst rules! 5. ur the 1 who should be banned 6. how long have u been here? 3 months? 7. stupid german u think u own everything
  12. i hate annoying ppl

  13. i hate annoying ppl

    1. xeim


      i hate you

    2. Sacrevy


      You hate yourself? O.o

    3. xeim



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